SANParks: Total actual revenue versus total budgeted revenue This chart demonstrates the relationship between the total actual revenue and budgeted revenue, therefore the net surplus position of the entities for the year ended 28 February 2013 Notes on revenue The increase in Gross operating revenue consisting mainly of: Retail gross profit generated from restaurants, Other income including sales of game and by- products and Conservation fees due to increased guests to the parks. 2
SANParks: Total expenditure versus total budgeted expenditure This chart demonstrates the relationship between the total expenditure and budgeted expenditure. Notes on expenditure Operating cost increased by 11%, due to ESKOM electricity hikes, increased security cost as well as vehicle rentals. Personnel cost increased by 8%, due to additional establishment (rangers and other critical posts) 3
SAWS: Total actual revenue versus total budgeted revenue This chart demonstrates the relationship between the total actual revenue and budgeted revenue, therefore the net surplus position of the entities for the year ended 28 February Notes on revenue Aviation income decreased by 7%, due to lower aircraft volume number. Other income and non- regulated commercial revenue decreased by 37%, due to declined: Information fees, Sales of Web and Automatic Weather Stations (AWS) Sales of Lightning Detection Network (LDN) The entity is projecting a deficit of R14,6m due to the provisionally liquidated airline clients amounting to R6.6 million. 4
SAWS: Total expenditure versus total budgeted expenditure This chart demonstrates the relationship between the total expenditure and budgeted expenditure. Notes on expenditure Operating expenditure decreased by 16%, of which major savings were realized in: Aircraft expenses, Software licenses, Cost of sales as well as equipment costs. 5
SANBI: Total actual revenue versus total budgeted revenue This chart demonstrates the relationship between the total actual revenue and budgeted revenue, therefore the net surplus position of the entities for the year ended 28 February 2013 Notes on revenue The negative variance is attributed to the decrease in Other grants, sponsorships and donations. The entity is projecting a surplus of R14,9m; which is already committed for payment of 3x buses, payable between March and April
SANBI: Total expenditure versus total budgeted expenditure This chart demonstrates the relationship between the total expenditure and budgeted expenditure. Notes on expenditure Operating expenditure decreased by 29%, as a result of austerity measures implemented to curb expenditure. Personnel cost decreased by 7%, due to post that are in process of being filled. Other expenditure also decreased by 5%, due to decrease audit costs. 7
iSimangaliso: Total actual revenue versus total budgeted revenue This chart demonstrates the relationship between the total actual revenue and budgeted revenue, therefore the net surplus position of the entities for the year ended 28 February Notes on revenue Other income decreased by 81%, consisting of sundry income which includes revenue from sales of commercial plantation. The entity is projecting a deficit of R8m. 8
iSimangaliso: Total expenditure versus total budgeted expenditure This chart demonstrates the relationship between the total expenditure and budgeted expenditure. Notes on expenditure The positive variance is attributed to strict cost reduction measures implemented. Operating expenditure decreased by 38%, consisting mainly of advertising, marketing and promotions. Personnel cost also decreased by 19%. 9
Government grant versus Own revenue The relationship between the revenue generated from external sources (i.e. grants) and internal sources (i.e. fees, donations, interest, etc.) as a percentage of total revenue as demonstrated above. Government grants are the main source of revenue to most Entities representing more than 40% of their total revenue. Across board income from government in the form of a grant decreased marginally based on the medium term expenditure funding. 10