English Village 99B 區巡迴輔導 李國禎 光明國中英語科專任教師 台中市國教輔導團英語科輔導員
What went wrong? English instruction focuses too much on the memorization of vocabulary and grammar. English is treated as a subject to test into a better school. There is no need to speak English. The class grouping is of a huge size and mixed abilities.
Korean English Village: Background Tens of thousands of young Koreans head overseas every year to study English. State-subsidized villages have popped up since A real village with 70 staff and 100 native speakers cost US$90 million English only policy and language immersion approach.
Korean English Village: Program One day program- kids, elementary, family and free experience One week program One month program ETTP Special program
Korean English Village: Challenges How about it’s effectiveness? Most English villages are in the red and struggling to survive. The enrollment rate is dropping dramatically. Students still dare not to speak English.
Taiwanese English Village: Fixed, Mobile and Immersive 1. Happy English Village pictures and video clips 2. Mobile English Village pictures and video clips 3. I-Shou International School English is the medium of instruction for EVERY subject! The most effective way to learn a foreign language!! If money is not an issue!!!
Operational Mode Equipments Staff Budeget Curriculum Evaluation
Some Basic Features Task-based Simulation rooms Real-life English Basic communication skills Games and activities Cultural awareness-local and international
Pros and Cons More fun and interesting More authentic All English Feel the need to speak Diverse cultural glimpses Hands-on activities
Pros and Cons Mechanical practice A wide range of different levels Inadequate grounding Unable to give individual guidance Insufficient time
Applications: What can we do in the classroom? Classroom English Give more real-life supplements Create a need to speak Set up situations to practice grammar Show and tell- integrating language output skills Devise our own teaching materials signs signs
Reflections Do you agree that Greater Taichung should have our own English village, too? How do we learn from the mistakes and build a more effective one? If you have kids, what would you expect public education to teach them English? After the abolishment of the BCT, what’s next?
Reflections Do we have what it takes to teach spoken English? Why can’t the government invest more in US? How do we enhance our own language proficiency?
Thank you for your listening! Now, it’s your turn!