Designing an Exercise and Nutrition Plan That Reflects the Body’s Needs Project 5: UnitedStreaming June 15, 2009 Colleen Regan
Standards HE60 Nutrition and Fitness - Students will demonstrate the ability to use nutrition and fitness knowledge, skills, and strategies to promote a healthy lifestyle. HE Explain the relationship among food intake, physical activity, and weight management. HE Apply information using the Food Guide Pyramid from the Food Guide Pyramid to choose a healthy breakfast.
Objective The fifth grade students will act as a team of personal trainers to design, present and justify an exercise and nutrition plan for an imaginary client after discovering how knowledge of the body’s systems can help people reach personal health and fitness goals.
Materials Discovery School video on UnitedStreaming: Body Systems – The Nervous System (The Nervous System: Suggested Activity) – The Digestive System ( The Digestive System: Suggested Activity) – The Respiratory System (The Respiratory System: Suggested Activity) – The Musculoskeletal System (The Musculoskeletal System: Suggested Activity) Computer with internet access Library references on diet, nutrition and exercise
Day 1: Introduction Ask students if they know what a system of the body is. Explain the project briefly: – Develop and present an exercise and nutrition plan to help your client reach a goal (Must include 4 or 5 exercises, a menu for 2 days and at least 4 facts about how the body systems work. Hand out vocabulary list and worksheet. Explain that they will be learning what each of the words means over the next 2 weeks.
Day 1: The Nervous System Watch The Nervous System (05:28)The Nervous System The Nervous System, one of the most mysterious Systems of the body, controls the body and its functions. It makes us conscious of who we are. As a class discuss the nervous system and fill out worksheet together. Go over necessary vocabulary. (Teacher fills out on projector) Do memory activity (Stare at partner for 10 seconds then turn away and describe what they are wearing. How many details can you remember?) Closing: Ask students to share something they learned about the nervous system.
Day 2: The Digestive System Watch The Digestive System (5:22) The digestive system breaks down food, absorbs nutrients, and excretes the waste. This provides fuel for the trillions of cells that keep our bodies alive. Discuss the digestive system and fill out worksheet. Go over necessary vocabulary. Discuss the food pyramid and have students create a one day menu for pyramid Closing: Have students share a meal and briefly justify it using the food pyramid and what they learned.
Day 3: The Respiratory System Watch The Respiratory System (5:11) The respiratory system is the oxygen-delivery system of the body. Discuss the respiratory system and fill out worksheet. Go over necessary vocabulary. Do lung capacity experiment in groups (balloons, straws, containers with water) Closing: Ask students about the importance of breathing and lung capacity.
Day 4: The Musculoskeletal System Watch The Musculoskeletal System Muscles and bones work together to support and move the body. Discuss the musculoskeletal system and complete worksheet. Go over necessary vocabulary words. Use pictures and labels to describe an exercise that you do or an exercise that would be good for someone your age. Explain using what you have just learned from the movie. Closing: Ask for volunteers to briefly describe an exercise.
Day 5: Beginning the Project Review the functions of the systems Ask students if they know the job of a personal trainer Ask students how knowing about even one system could help an athlete in training or a person who wants to tone muscles or stay healthy. For example, the video shows how a competitive swimmer increases his oxygen intake because he knows how the respiratory system works. Review the project with students
Day 5 Continued Break students into groups of 3 or 4 and give them a “client” – A 17 year old high school soccer player wants to maintain a high energy level during soccer games. – A 35 year old woman wants to tone the muscles in her stomach. – A 65 year old man wants to keep his heart healthy. Discuss and brainstorm as a class the differences in goals, ages, gender. Students take notes. Remind them to keep this in mind when doing research. – Model some examples orally first and written if needed.
Day 6 and 7: Research and Creating a Plan Websites for research: To learn about the food pyramid: For more information about different types of foods: To learn about foods that are good for the heart: For information about exercise, consult these Web sites:
Day 7, 8, 9: Publishing and Presenting Give students the option of using PowerPoint, MovieMaker, Inspirations or Photostory to publish and present their plan of action. Teacher made folder with images that students can insert. Offer the flip cameras so students can tape their exercises and narrate. Groups present completed projects when finished. Classmates critique the groups orally for presentation skills and information.
Rubric 4 points: Students worked exceptionally well in groups, used the internet as an extensive research tool, completed the plan using valid information and supported it with 4 or more accurate facts about body systems. 3 points: Students worked cooperatively in groups; used the Internet as a research tool well; completed the plan using valid information; and supported it with three accurate facts about body systems. 2 points: Students worked somewhat cooperatively in groups; used the Internet somewhat as a research tool; completed the plan with mostly valid information; and supported it with at least two facts that were mostly accurate about body systems. 1 point: Students participated little, if at all, in class discussions; had difficulty completing their research; presented a plan with inaccurate or unclear information; and supported it with one or no facts about body systems.
Citation Designing an Exercise and Nutrition Plan That Reflects the Body's Needs. Discovery Education (2009). Retrieved June 15, 2009, from Discovery Education: The Nervous System. Discovery Channel School (2002). Retrieved June 15, 2009, from Discovery Education: