The Pulse Rate Survey We Survey Ourselves Learning More About Surveys
Introductory Statistics--Surveys2 The Question Statistical surveys usually begin with a general question we want an answer for. Here’s our question: –Is there a difference between the male and female resting pulse rate of WHS students?
Introductory Statistics--Surveys3 We survey ourselves How do we obtain the data? We examine the Intro Stats students We need calm & silence in the room Hold the fingers of one hand on the artery in your neck or on the inside of the wrist to get a heart beat so you can measure your pulse. Count the number of beats you feel in 30 seconds. Teacher will do the timing. Multiply by 2 to get BPM (beats per minute). Record. Do this 2 times. Average the 2 counts for an average pulse rate.
Now for the Data Collection Report your numbers for recording on the overhead and on your classwork Introductory Statistics--Surveys4
5 What do we need to do? Next step Record everyone’s results, separating male and female results. Now we need a class average by gender
Introductory Statistics--Surveys6 Averaging Using The TI Calculator Turn on the calculator—ON at the bottom left Hit the STAT key (column 3 row 2) Go to #1 EDIT. Hit ENTER. If L1 (list one) is not clear, clear it by going to the top of the list, highlighting the L1 column by using the ARROW UP key. Hit CLEAR and ENTER buttons to clear L1 List
Introductory Statistics--Surveys7 Averaging Using the TI Calculator Go to the first entry for L1 Enter each piece of data for Males followed by the ENTER key, making a separate entry for each piece of data Go to the first entry for L2 and then enter each piece of Female data When finished, return to the main screen by hitting 2 nd MODE (row 1 column 1 then row 1 column 2)
Introductory Statistics--Surveys8 Averaging using the TI Calculator Hit 2 nd STAT (row 1 col 1; row 2 col 3) RIGHT ARROW key to highlight the word MATH ARROW DOWN to #3 MEAN. Hit ENTER Mean ( appears on the home screen. Hit 2 nd and the number 1. Mean(L1 appears on your home screen
Introductory Statistics--Surveys9 Averaging Using the TI Calculator Hit ENTER. The mean of your list in L1 is calculated and appears on the home screen. Hit 2 nd STAT. Right arrow to math. Arrow down to #3 MEAN. Hit ENTER. Hit 2 nd and the number 2. The Mean(L2 appears on your home screen Hit ENTER. The mean of your list in L2 is calculated and appears on the home screen. Hurray! you’ve succeeded in using your TI for the first time to find a Mean for Males and Females
Introductory Statistics--Surveys10 Back to the Pulse Rate Survey We have averaged the averages for each gender Record the average for each gender at the bottom of CW 102.
Introductory Statistics--Surveys11 Calculate Spread & Range Spread—the minimum and maximum for any sample Range—the distance between the minimum and maximum of a sample. Record the spread and range for the male & female samples using the following instructions:
Introductory Statistics--Surveys12 Finding Spread for Data Using TI Calculator is ON Your data is already in L1 Hit the STAT key ARROW DOWN to highlight #2 SORTA( Hit ENTER After Sort A( hit the 2 nd key followed by the number 1. The symbol L1 appears
Introductory Statistics--Surveys13 Finding Spread for Data Using TI Hit ENTER The word “done” appears on the screen Go back to your list by hitting STAT key followed by 1 EDIT Look at List One (L1). It is now sorted from lowest number to highest
Introductory Statistics--Surveys14 Finding Spread for Data Using TI Choose the first number on your list for the lower number in the Spread and the last number on the list for the higher number in your Spread Record those numbers on your CW Hurray! You’ve learned to SORT data and use it to record a Spread On your home screen subtract the first number from the last number to obtain the range.
Introductory Statistics--Surveys15 Homework Use the data you’ve recorded for your reference Answer the ‘usual’ questions about the nature of this survey using the data and your powers of analysis. End of the Pulse Survey Presentation