Color Scheme Makenna Barber
Neutral A neutral scheme uses the colors that aren’t on the color wheel. This room is black and white, which makes it neutral. Black and white aren’t on the color wheel. This shows the neutral colors brown and white.
Neutral with an Accent Neutral with an accent is a color scheme that is neutral but also has an accent color that is on the color wheel. This color scheme has brown and white, which make it neutral, but has an accent color of blue. This color scheme is made up of the neutrals black and white, with an accent color of blue.
Monochromatic A monochromatic color scheme is a scheme made up of different shades of one color. This color scheme is made up of various shades of purple. This color scheme is monochromatic because it is made up of shade of blue or turquoise.
Analogus An analogus color scheme is made up of 3 to 5 hues next to each other on the color wheel. This color scheme is made up of red on the throw pillows, a red violet chair and a violet couch. This color scheme is made up of orange, red, and purple.
Complementary A complementary color scheme is when two colors are opposite each other on the color wheel. This room has red curtains and green chairs which make it a complementary color scheme. This complementary color schemes is made up of orange and blue
Triad A triad color scheme is a scheme using three colors that are equal distance on the color wheel. This is a triad because the rug is blue and yellow and the couch is partly red. Red, blue, and yellow are equal distance on the color wheel. This triad is made up of orange, purple, and green. The chairs are orange and purple and the lines on the walls are green.
Split-Complementary A split-complementary color scheme is made up of three colors. It combines one color with two colors on each side of its complement. This color scheme shows the color green blue and its split complements orange(in couch) and red(vases). In this room, the ceiling is red orange and the floor and curtains are its split complements green and blue