Color Schemes
Monochromatic Color 1 color plus light and dark pick a color and mix it with white to get 3 different TINTS pick a color and mix it with black to get 3 different SHADES
Analogous Colors directly next to each other on the wheel they have a color in common Example- red, red-orange, orange, yellow- orange ALL have RED in them- you could NOT include yellow because it does NOT have red in it. Chose 2 different sets of Analogous colors and paint them in the boxes
Warm Think warm things- the sun, fire Reds, Oranges, Yellows Cool Think cold things- grass, ice, water blues, greens, violets/purples
Complements 2 colors directly ACROSS from each other on the color wheel. Paint 2 different sets of complements in the boxes-use your wheel to figure out the pairs
Split Complements a color and the 2 colors DIRECTLY NEXT TO its complement Red Yellow-Green Blue-Green Yellow Blue-Violet Red-Violet Blue Yellow-Orange Red-Orange Orange Blue-Green Blue-Violet Violet/Purple Yellow-Green Yellow-Orange Green Red-Violet Red-Orange