Test Purpose template discussion Group Name: TST WG Source: ETSI Meeting Date:
ISO 9646 – Conformance Testing Methodology BASE SPECIFICATIONS -> Standards experts (SDO) specify requirements TEST SUITE STRUCTURE AND TEST PURPOSES -> Testing experts (SDO) specify test purposes (WHAT TO TEST!), with each test purpose focused on a single requirement (OPTIONALLY) TEST DESCRIPTIONS -> Testing experts specify (in prose) the necessary steps to achieve a specific test purpose (HOW TO TEST!) ABSTRACT TEST CASES -> Testing engineers specify test cases (on a specific test notation) which are to be standardized by a SDO MEANS OF TESTING, TEST EXECUTION -> Test labs convert the standardized ATS into executable test cases in order to perform the tests against IUTs © 2015 oneM2M Partners TST Test_Purpose_template_discussion 2
3GPP Test example 1/3 (Extracted from 3GPP TS V ( )) Conformance requirements References: The conformance requirements covered in the present TC are specified in: TS , clause and [TS , clause ] Test Purpose Initial conditionswith { UE in PROCEDURE TRANSACTION INACTIVE state and in EMM-IDLE mode } Expected behaviourensure that { when { UE is requested to allocate of bearer resource } then { UE sends a BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REQUEST message } } © 2015 oneM2M Partners TST Test_Purpose_template_discussion 3
3GPP Test example 2/3 Test description Pre-test conditions System Simulator: Cell A UE: None. Preamble: The UE is in state Registered, Idle mode (state 2) according to [18]. A default EPS bearer is established between the first PDN and the UE. Main behaviour Specific message contents © 2015 oneM2M Partners TST Test_Purpose_template_discussion 4 StProcedureMessage SequenceTPVerdict U - SMessage 1Cause the UE to request bearer resource allocation of dedicated EPS bearer associated with first PDN connectivity. (see Note) The UE transmits a SERVICE REQUEST message.-->SERVICE REQUEST-- 2AThe SS establishes SRB2 and DRB associated with the default EPS bearer context activated during the preamble (a first PDN obtained during the attach procedure) Check: Does the UE transmit a BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REQUEST message? -->BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REQUEST1P 4The SS transmits an ACTIVATE DEDICATED EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message. <--ACTIVATE DEDICATED EPS BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST -- 5Check: Does the UE transmit an ACTIVATE DEDICATED EPS BEARER CONTEXT ACCEPT message? -->ACTIVATE DEDICATED EPS BEARER CONTEXT ACCEPT 2P Note:The trigger in step 1 and the RRC messages in steps 2 to 5 are the same as in the generic procedure in clause
3GPP Test example 3/3 Test case function fl_TC_10_7_1_Body() runs on EUTRA_PTC { // Cause the UE to request bearer resource allocation of dedicated EPS bearer associated with first PDN connectivity "Step 1" f_UT_RequestActivateDedicatedBearer (UT, hex2int(tsc_EpsDedicatedBearerId), hex2int(tsc_EpsDefaultBearerId), cs_508_EPS_QoS_Dedicated_1, f_EUTRA_Get_508_TrafficFlowTemplate(1, tsc_EpsDedicatedBearerId)); // The UE transmits a SERVICE REQUEST message. "Step 2" v_NasInd := f_EUTRA_RRC_ConnEst_DefWithNas(eutra_CellA, tsc_RRC_TI_Def, cr_EstablishmentCause_MoData, cr_NAS_Indication(tsc_SHT_IntegrityProtected, cr_508_SERVICE_REQUEST(f_EUTRA_SecurityKSIasme_Get()))); // The SS establishes SRB2 and DRB associated with default EPS bearer context (a first PDN obtained during the attach procedure). "Step 2A" // activate security in AS with parameters from AKA performed in preamble v_NasCountUL := v_NasInd.SecurityProtection.NasCount; v_SecurityParams := f_EUTRA_Authentication_InitAS(v_SecurityParams, v_NasCountUL); v_SecurityParams := f_EUTRA_RRC_ActivateSecurity(eutra_CellA, v_SecurityParams, v_NasCountUL); f_EUTRA_Security_Set(v_SecurityParams); © 2015 oneM2M Partners TST Test_Purpose_template_discussion 5
ISO/IEC Test example 1/2 © 2015 oneM2M Partners TST Test_Purpose_template_discussion 6 TC Id TC_SECC_CMN_VTB_ServiceDiscovery_001 Test objective Checks that ServiceDiscovery response message with response code 'OK' is sent after receiving a ServiceDiscovery request message Document reference Document: ISO/IEC: :2013:FDIS Section(s): :8.3.2; :8.3.3; :8.3.4; :8.4.2; : ; : ; : ; Referenced requirement(s) [V2G2-179], [V2G2-180], [V2G2-181], [V2G2-183], [V2G2-195], [V2G2-196], [V2G2-265], [V2G2-266], [V2G2-267], [V2G2-268], [V2G2-271], [V2G2-272], [V2G2-418], [V2G2-545], [V2G2-752] Config Id TC_001 PICS selection PreCondition f_SECC_CMN_PR_SessionSetup_001 Expected behaviour Test Purpose (Extracted from – Vehicle to Grid communication interface)
ISO/IEC Test example 2/2 Test Case testcase TC_SECC_CMN_VTB_ServiceDiscovery_001() runs on SECC_Tester system SystemSECC { var HAL_61851_Listener v_HAL_61851_Listener; var verdicttype preConVerdict; // Pre Conditions f_SECC_CMN_PR_InitConfiguration_001(v_HAL_61851_Listener,system); preConVerdict := f_SECC_CMN_PR_SessionSetup_001(v_HAL_61851_Listener); // Test behavior if(preConVerdict==pass){ f_SECC_CMN_TB_VTB_ServiceDiscovery_001(); }else { log("PreCondition was unsuccessful!"); } // Post Conditions f_SECC_CMN_PO_InitialState_001(v_HAL_61851_Listener); f_SECC_CMN_PO_ShutdownConfiguration_001(v_HAL_61851_Listener,system); } © 2015 oneM2M Partners TST Test_Purpose_template_discussion 7
ETSI ITS Test example 1/2 Test Purpose (Extracted from TS IP packets over GeoNetworking) © 2015 oneM2M Partners TST Test_Purpose_template_discussion 8
ETSI ITS Test example 2/2 Test case testcase TC_IPV6GEO_VM_EVI_BV_01() runs on ItsIpv6OverGeoNetworking system ItsIpv6OverGeoNetworkingSystem { // Local variables var template (value) Ipv6Packet v_ipv6Packet; // Test component configuration f_cf01UpGn6(); v_longPosVectorNodeA := f_getPosition(c_compNodeA); v_addressesNodeA := f_getAddresses(c_compNodeA); // Preamble f_prIpv6Neighbour(); f_prConfigureGVL({c_gvl1, c_gvl2}); v_ipv6Packet := m_ipv6Packet(....); f_sendGeoNetMessageWithPayload(m_geoNwReq_linkLayerBroadcast(m_geoNwPdu(m_geoNwBroadcastPacket(v_longPosVectorNodeA, vc_localSeqNumber, f_getGeoBroadcastArea(vc_gvlTable[c_gvl3].area)))), m_ipv6Payload(v_ipv6Packet)); f_sleep(PX_T_BUILD_CONFIG); f_acUpdateInterfaces(); if(f_getGvlInterface(c_gvl3) == "") { log("*** " & testcasename() & ": INCONC: Virtual interface not created ***"); f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictPreamble(c_prDone, e_error); } f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictPreamble(c_prDone, e_success); // Test Body f_sleep(int2float(c_validLifetime30s)); f_acUpdateInterfaces(); if(f_getGvlInterface(c_gvl3) == "") { log("*** " & testcasename() & ": PASS: Virtual interface removed ***"); f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_success); } else { log("*** " & testcasename() & ": FAIL: Virtual interface not removed ***"); f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_error); } © 2015 oneM2M Partners TST Test_Purpose_template_discussion 9
oneM2M TP proposal Test Purpose (based on TS-0015) © 2015 oneM2M Partners TST Test_Purpose_template_discussion 10 TP IdTP/oneM2M/CSE/REG/BV/001 Test objectiveCheck that the IUT accepts an AE registration (allowed App-ID, C-AE-ID-STEM not provided by AE) ReferenceTS case C, Config IdCF01 PICS SelectionPICS_CSE Initial conditionswith { the IUT being in the "initial state" and the IUT having a CSEBase resource containing a ServiceSubscribedProfile resource containing a ServiceSubscribedNode resource containing RuleLinks attribute pointing to a ServiceSubscribedAppRule resource containing applicableCredIDs attribute set to None and allowedApp-IDs attribute indicating APP-ID and allowedAEs attribute indicating C-AE-ID-STEM } Expected behaviourTest eventsDirection when { the IUT receives a valid CREATE request from AE containing Resource-Type set to 2 (AE) and From set to empty and Content containing App-ID attribute set to APP-ID } IUT AE then { the IUT sends a Response message containing Response Status Code set to 2001 (CREATED) } IUT AE
oneM2M TD discussion Test Descriptions specification: – Is the following step (if necessary) after the TPs in the test specification development process – In complex scenarios, it gives guidance on how to achieve a TP – Is it needed for oneM2M? – If yes, where should be added? TS-0018-TSS&TP as a complement of each TP or group of TPs? or TS-0019-ATS as a complement of the abstract test cases code? © 2015 oneM2M Partners TST Test_Purpose_template_discussion 11