Actually, we are born a certain way, And THAT is a problem!
Outline I. Prologue: The call to fellowship (1:1-4) II. Preamble: Living in fellowship with God (1:5-2:11) A. Staying on the path: Walking in God's Light (1:5-2:2) B. Reaching the Goal: Knowing the God of Light (2:3-11)
Outline (Cont.) III. Purpose: Believers must resist the False Teachers (2:12-27) A. By recognizing their spiritual assets (2:12-14) B. By recognizing their spiritual adversaries (2:15-17) (Adapted from "The Epistles of John" by Zane C. Hodges)
Three aspects
Baby, you were born this way... 1 John 2:14-16 The whole group from different viewpoints
Outline (Cont.) III. Purpose: Believers must resist the False Teachers (2:12-27) A. By recognizing their spiritual assets (2:12-14) B. By recognizing their spiritual adversaries (2:15-27) 1. Resisting the world (2:15-17)
Baby, you were born this way... "The world" A system designed to draw people away from God. It's dangerous to everyone! 1 Cor. 10:12
Baby, you were born this way... "the things of the world" Many aspects: we may hate the immorality and love material things!
"...the love of the Father is not in him..." "Christians are often eager to deny this impossibility...and to claim still to love God while obviously loving some sinful aspect of the world system. But the apostle denies this as a possibility." Hodges
Three areas of lust or desire The flesh = Pleasure The eyes = Possessions The pride of life = Power (? Close...)
Two Perfect people Genesis 3:1-6 Matthew 4:1-11
Three areas of lust or desire "not of the Father" James 1:13
Three areas of lust or desire What's your problem? Especially in habitual areas ask, "Why do I enjoy this? What do I get out of this? What satisfaction am I drawing from this?"
Three areas of lust or desire The world and everything in it has their days numbered. None of the experiences we pursue will last......but the consequences can.
But the abiding disciple... An eternal identity that lasts forever! Abraham has one James 2:21-23 We can have one, too! John 15:14-15
"Only one life, 'twill soon be past; Only what's done for Christ will last"