Seog Oh/ Duke University/Oct, 2002 TRT/ ATLAS week at CERN Test of the cleaning gas mixtures
Seog Oh/ Duke University/Oct, 2002 TRT/ ATLAS week at CERN Purpose Find out the safe operating limit of the glass wire-joint in mixtures with CF 4 in case silicon cleaning is necessary. Run parameters Upper chamber 14 glass wire-joints – 5 were pulled out on July 25. The rest was pulled out on Sept 27. –June/July/August : Ar-CO 2 -CF 4 ( ) : 16% mixture –September : Ar-CO 2 (70-30) Lower chamber 11 glass wire-joints – 4 were pulled out on July 25. The rest was pulled out on Sept 27 –Ar-CO 2 -CF 4 ( ) : 8% mixture Moisture level : 700 ppm on average Gain June/July/August - ~30,000-40,000 September ~ 70,000-80,000 Current draw Average : 10 nA/cm – 30 nA/cm Around wire-joints : 30 nA-100nA/cm
Seog Oh/ Duke University/Oct, 2002 TRT/ ATLAS week at CERN Test module 2
Seog Oh/ Duke University/Oct, 2002 TRT/ ATLAS week at CERN Test setup
Seog Oh/ Duke University/Oct, 2002 TRT/ ATLAS week at CERN 16% Results Failure (do not hold HV) occurred when the integrated charge was C/cm. 0.22, 0.19, 0.26, 0.21, 0.27, 0.34 C/cm Tension loss proceeded the failure. All glass beads exhibited heavy etching reasonably proportional to the integrated charge. Despite the etching, there was no evidence of silicon deposit downstream (SEM & Gain measurement). This test ended at the end of August. At the time, there were two surviving wire-joints (#30, #31). The gas mixture was changed to Ar-CO 2 (70-30) to study the residual effect of CF 4 (more later).
Seog Oh/ Duke University/Oct, 2002 TRT/ ATLAS week at CERN
Seog Oh/ Duke University/Oct, 2002 TRT/ ATLAS week at CERN Failed wire-joints (~0.3C/cm)16%
Seog Oh/ Duke University/Oct, 2002 TRT/ ATLAS week at CERN 16% Wire # C/cm. Broken (8/25)
Seog Oh/ Duke University/Oct, 2002 TRT/ ATLAS week at CERN Wire-joints in 16% Note that there is no Silicon peak. Si is replaced by F.
Seog Oh/ Duke University/Oct, 2002 TRT/ ATLAS week at CERN Wire surface scan (16%) Left : “normal”. Right : somewhat smooth
Seog Oh/ Duke University/Oct, 2002 TRT/ ATLAS week at CERN 16% Left : “normal”. Right : somewhat smoother
Seog Oh/ Duke University/Oct, 2002 TRT/ ATLAS week at CERN Wire Downstream of a wire-joint. There is no silicon deposit
Seog Oh/ Duke University/Oct, 2002 TRT/ ATLAS week at CERN Wire #26 (0.27C/cm). Broken 8/18
Seog Oh/ Duke University/Oct, 2002 TRT/ ATLAS week at CERN 8% Results One failure occurred when the integrated charge was ~0.45 C/cm. Tension loss happened as early as ~0.3 C/cm. Etching on the failed joint was also evident. However compare to the failed ones in 16%, the etching was less. There was also no evidence of silicon deposit downstream (SEM & Gain measurement).
Seog Oh/ Duke University/Oct, 2002 TRT/ ATLAS week at CERN
Seog Oh/ Duke University/Oct, 2002 TRT/ ATLAS week at CERN Failed wire-joint (~0.45C/cm)8% Wire #12
Seog Oh/ Duke University/Oct, 2002 TRT/ ATLAS week at CERN 8% (#10) Wire # C/cm. Lost 22 grams of tension
Seog Oh/ Duke University/Oct, 2002 TRT/ ATLAS week at CERN Wire-joint (8%) There is still some silicon peak
Seog Oh/ Duke University/Oct, 2002 TRT/ ATLAS week at CERN Wire #12 (0.45C/cm) Broken 9/14
Seog Oh/ Duke University/Oct, 2002 TRT/ ATLAS week at CERN Residual effect of CF 4 The 16% mixture was changed to Ar-CO 2 (70-30) on September 3. The gas gain : ~70,000 (from ~30,000) Current Draw : ~17 nA/cm (=> ~50 nA around the wire-joints) Charge accumulation The integrated charge at the time of the switch : ~0.15 C/cm The integrated charge since the switch : ~0.1 C/cm Results The degree of etching was consistent with ~0.15C/cm rather than ~0.25 C/cm. No gain change was observed after the switch
Seog Oh/ Duke University/Oct, 2002 TRT/ ATLAS week at CERN
Seog Oh/ Duke University/Oct, 2002 TRT/ ATLAS week at CERN 0.15C/cm in 16%+0.1C in Ar-CO 2 Wire #30, 31
Seog Oh/ Duke University/Oct, 2002 TRT/ ATLAS week at CERN 16% -> 0% Wire #30 and #31
Seog Oh/ Duke University/Oct, 2002 TRT/ ATLAS week at CERN Wire-joint #30
Seog Oh/ Duke University/Oct, 2002 TRT/ ATLAS week at CERN 16% -> 0% 4 cm downstream of wire-joint
Seog Oh/ Duke University/Oct, 2002 TRT/ ATLAS week at CERN 16% -> 0% 20 cm downstream of wire-joint. The chunks are gold.
Seog Oh/ Duke University/Oct, 2002 TRT/ ATLAS week at CERN Wire #31
Seog Oh/ Duke University/Oct, 2002 TRT/ ATLAS week at CERN Summary Integrated charge From the 16% and 8% test, it seems that the failure integrated charge is roughly proportional to the CF 4 fraction when the moisture level of ~700 ppm. 16% : fail at C/cm 8% : fail at C/cm Including the earlier measurement (CF 4 ~20%, H 2 O ~ ppm, integrated charge at the failure ~ 0.1 C/cm), it seems that the failure also roughly proportional to the H 2 O level. There is no silicon deposit or gain change. There is no gross residual effect when the gas is switched to non CF 4 mixture.
Seog Oh/ Duke University/Oct, 2002 TRT/ ATLAS week at CERN Proposal Test 4% mixture – (may not be necessary) Test the effectiveness of the cleaning mixtures Produce silicon deposit with Ar-CO 2 (70-30) gain drop of ~10% Bubble through silicon oil? Use contaminated straws? Switch the gas to one of the cleaning mixtures. Determine the integrated charge necessary to restore the gain. Parameters CF 4 fraction Moisture level Gain Irradiation level