Project overview Block diagram Design challenges Individual contributions Project demonstration Questions / discussion
The proposed project is a mobile brain-computer interface Computer applications will be presented to the user on a head mounted display The user will navigate the device though eye gestures detected by an electrooculogram The user will be able to select different application by increasing their level of concentration measured by a NeuroSky Mindwave EEG Motivation behind device development Develop a new and unique mobile computing platform Develop a mobile computing platform that is operable by both the physically disabled and non-physically disabled Design a project that appealed to the professional aspirations of each team member
Making the system completely mobile All components were chosen to be with size and power consumption in consideration Acquisition of bio-potential signals EOG designed in modular form, consumer grade EEG Software optimizations for smaller processor Multi-threading, compiler optimizations Converting bio-potential signals into usable information K-nearest neighbor algorithm, EEG selection algorithm
Team Leader: Matt Waldersen Member 2: Taylor Strzelecki Member 3: Rick Schuman Member 4: Krishna Jhajaria
Designed all EOG circuitry Developing a selection algorithm to classify EOG signals Conceived the preliminary project idea and its subsystems Prototyped preliminary device enclosure Delegated various roles, responsibilities and tasks to the team Aided in troubleshooting various hardware issues
Designed the final schematic for the main board, including in-system programmer and reset circuit Designed and laid out both the EOG and main PCBs Soldered all components on EOG boards and main board Designed and tested UART microcontroller code that connected to NueroSky EEG, decoded data packets, and determined when a user selection has occured Constructed final helmet enclosure Helped with hardware debugging and troubleshooting
Software Design and Implementation Main GUI program Loading OpenCV libraries Loading Linux OS Kernel Configuration Design Constraint Software Design Narrative Microcontroller Code Main Program Loop SPI Code Environment/Register Setup ADC Setup and Driver Beagle-Micro Testing/Debugging Royale Design Showcase Video
Project Proposal & PSSCs Website Design Theory of Operation and Hardware Design Narrative plus Preliminary Schematic Drawing Homework Microcontroller Programming for SPI Environmental & Ethical Analysis Homework Product Manual, Final report, Senior Design Report
1) An ability to encode/decode data packets from a NeuroSky EEG. (Complete) 2) An ability for a user to select applications based on signals from a NeuroSky EEG. (Complete) 3) An ability for a user to navigate between different applications on a display using EOG signals. (Incomplete) 4) An ability for the system to interactively train the user to effectively operate the device. (Complete) 5) An ability to display a live video stream from an external camera module, and integrate applications into the video system. (Complete)