DGP – S ENTENCE 1 Sentence Parts
S ENTENCE / W ORD B ANK What’s the brand of your sneakers, man? Word Bank: intransitive verb, noun of direct address, object of the preposition, predicate nominative, prepositional phrase, subject
C OMPARE Compare your answers to your neighbor’s answers to see if you identified the same subject. “I labeled ________ as the subject because __________.”
C ORRECT A NSWER What’s the brand of your sneakers, man? brand = subject (the “who” or “what” of the verb) is = intransitive verb (does not take a direct object) What = predicate nominative (follows a linking verb and renames the subject) of your sneakers = prepositional phrase (group of words beginning with a pronoun and ending with a noun or pronoun) sneakers = object of the preposition (follows preposition and tells “what?” or “whom?”) man = noun of direct address (person being spoken to in a sentence)