Geography Myth Jeopardy 2 Famous People Punishments Unfortunate Deaths Potpourri
Geography This city in Greece got its name from the Goddess who offered the city an olive tree Timer
Geography King Minos was the king of this island Timer
Geography This is the mountain where the twelve most powerful gods and goddesses met to discuss things Timer
Geography The actual city of Troy existed in this present day country Timer
Geography In order to get into the Underworld, you must first cross this river Timer
Famous People 100 He wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey, two of the most famous epic poems in the world Timer
Famous People 200 When he was a baby, his mother dipped him in the river Styx to make him immortal. The only spot that didn’t get wet was his heel where she held him Timer
Famous People 300 He was the greatest Trojan warrior Timer
Famous People 400 He was pulled into the ocean by giant serpents before he could finish warning the Trojans about the wooden horse Timer
Famous People 500 He fled Troy while it was still burning and traveled to present-day Italy, where he settled the city of Rome, thus beginning the dominance of the Roman Empire Timer
Punishments 100 Name Prometheus’ punishment for giving fire to humans Timer
PunishmentsPunishments Her punishment explains the natural phenomenon that occurs when sound waves bounce off of hard surfaces Timer
Punishments 300 In probably the most famous punishment in Hades, Sisyphus is forced to do this over and over again for all eternity. The task is similar to the name of the second best rock band of all time Timer
Punishments 400 She was turned into a spider by Athena after bragging that she was a better weaver than the goddess Timer
Punishments 500 This titan was punished for fighting against the gods during the war between Zeus and Cronos. His punishment was to hold the world on his shoulders for all time Timer
Unfortunate Deaths Eurydice died this unfortunate death Timer
Unfortunate Deaths He died after the wax on his wings melted and he plunged into the ocean Timer
Unfortunate Deaths He was scalded to death by hot water meant for his bath Timer
Unfortunate Deaths He was spared by Achilles, but killed by the son of Achilles Timer
Unfortunate Deaths Describe the unfortunate death of Orpheus, the greatest musician that ever lived Timer
Potpourri 100 She was the wife of King Priam Timer
Potpourri 200 This was the fruit that Persephone ate while in the Underworld Timer
Potpourri 300 After losing his wife forever, Orpheus joined the cult of this gluttonous god Timer
Potpourri 400 Leda, the mother of Helen of Troy, took this shape to avoid the attentions of her admirer, Zeus. It didn’t work Timer
Potpourri 500 This gorgon was killed by Perseus. He had to look at her reflection in his shield to kill her because if he looked directly at her hideous face he would be turned to stone Timer