Lofar Information System on GRID A.N.Belikov. Lofar Long Term Archive Prototypes: EGEE Astro-WISE Requirements to data storage Tiers Astro-WISE adaptation.


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Presentation transcript:

Lofar Information System on GRID A.N.Belikov

Lofar Long Term Archive Prototypes: EGEE Astro-WISE Requirements to data storage Tiers Astro-WISE adaptation Problem: optimal data placement

Lofar: Science

Lofar: Network 10 Gbps optical single data processing center for raw data (CIT, Groningen)

Lofar: Data Processing Blue Gene/L linux cluster centralized data processing for raw data long-term data storage

Lofar: LTA requirements

20 PB for 5 years decentralized data storage decentralized data reprocessing international partners

LHC & EGEE 15 PB data per year grid computing EGEE: ~250 sites, >45000 CPU EGEE-III

EGEE: Tiers approach

Astro-Wise: grid

Astro-WISE: dataservers (1)

Astro-WISE: dataservers (2) Astro-Wise LoWise dataserver data retrieved by URI 0.5 TB 7 sec 3.5 TB 20 sec 1 PB 8 h

LoWISE: URI storage

LoWISE: Tiers Astro-WISE-like interfaces user access (from PM to anonymous) Tier 1 as core element

LoWISE: data storage distributed file systems: GPFS (IBM) Lustre (Sun) dCAche CASTOR

Lofar-WISE: Data Storage initial configuration distributed FS & EGEE Oracle for metadata

Problem: users users: observer, project manager privileged users: operators

Problem: CE & SE geographical location file transfer user access research group driven

Problem: Access policy

Problem: Optimal Data Placement priorities groups pool of queries TCF monitor system

Task create and implement a system for an optimal data placement