Chapter 4 Grammar Conjugating -ar verbs in the plural and irregulars
In the last chapter, we learned how to conjugate regular -ar verbs: The three steps: 1. Find the subject of the sentence 2. Chop off the –ar 3. Add the new endings to the stem of the verb *The stem is the part of the verb left after you chop off the -ar*
What are the endings for -ar verbs? oamos asx aan
Let's put this chapter's verbs in to trees: LlegoLlegamos LlegasX Llegallegan EntroEntramos EntrasX EntraEntran XX Llegar - to arrive Enseñar – to show, to teach Estudiar – to study Entrar – to enter
CantoCantamos CantasX CantaCantan BailoBailamos BailasX BailaBailan XX Prestar - to lend Tomar - to take Bailar - to danceCantar - to sing
X X Preparar - to prepare Sacar - to take, to get EscuchoEscuchamos EscuchasX EscuchaEscuchan Escuchar - to listen
Boom Llegar Entrar Estudiar Enseñar Prestar Tomar Bailar Cantar Preparar Sacar Escuchar
Te toca a ti…. Pg. 113 Act #11 –Answer the questions in the “nosotros” form Pg. 114 Act. #12 –Writing “nosotros” sentences
Los Irregulares
Irregular Verbs *So far, you have only learned how to conjugate regular verbs. A regular verb is a verb that follows the three-step conjugating rules (1. find the subject 2. chop off -ar 3. add new ending) *Spanish also has verbs that do NOT follow that pattern at all. These verbs are considered irregular. Irregular verbs follow no pattern in particular (though we can "chunk" irregular verbs with other irregular verbs that follow similar patterns). *How do we know if a verb is irregular? There is no way to tell, you simply have to memorize your irregular verbs.
In Chapter 4, we have THREE irregulars: VoyVamos VasX VaVan DoyDamos DasX DaDan EstoyEstamos EstásX EstáEstán Ir - to go Dar - to give Estar - to be
Prepositions “a” and “de” A preposition is a word that show the relationship between a noun or a pronoun and some other word or element in the rest of the sentence.nounpronounsentence In easier terms, a preposition is anything a caterpillar can do to an apple
The preposition “a” means to or toward (it can also mean at). Whenever “a” is next to the direct article “el,” they contract to make “al” –En la escuela, voy al laboratorio. –En la escuela, voy a la cafetería. ** “a” only combined with “el”…think of it as a math equation: a + el = al
“a” is also used before a direct object (who or what receives the action) that refers to a person. Miro la television vs. Miro a la profesora Escucho el discovs. Escucho al profesor We do not have anything like the personal “a” in English. Do not stress, just remember that: a + el = al
The preposition “de” can mean of, from or about and also combines with “el” to make “del.” –Yo hablo del profesor. –Ella es de la ciudad de Alma You also use “de” for possession because there are no apostrophes in Spanish. So, you instead say it is the _____ of _____. –Es la calculadora del alumno. –Son los cuadernos de Juana. de + el = del