SCAP Special “All-Committees” Meeting Water Committee Update Al Javier Environmental Services Manager November 5,
Nutrient Objectives Advisory Group Stakeholder Advisory Group Science Panel Regulatory Group
Nutrient Objectives Recommended whole watershed approach Additionally, look at tiered aquatic approach that include aquatic gradient
State and Regional Water Board staff is developing a statewide water quality control program for mercury that will include: 1) mercury control program for reservoirs; and 2) mercury water quality objectives. Statewide Mercury Program 4
Recommendations of Appendix A (Importance of Primary and Secondary Production in Controlling Fish Tissue Mercury Concentrations): * Programs are needed to conduct experimental nutrient fertilization studies * Programs are needed to restore historic salmon runs * The State of California should a scientifically based program protecting all the beneficial uses of the State’s water bodies including human and wildlife consumption of fish. Mercury Control Program for Reservoirs 5
Litigation 9 th Circuit Federal Test Significant Toxicity (TST) SCWRRP CA Storm Water Coalition Toxicity Update 6
Water of the U.S. Senate on Tuesday voted to block revision of the Waters of the U.S. regulation, and to proceed on a resolution that would effectively eliminate the rule completely.
Constituents of Emerging Concern SWRCB Recycled Water workshop on Oct Identified and prioritized research Presentation and discussion breakout session
Direct Potable Reuse Guidance Document: “Framework for Direct Potable Reuse” collaborative effort between WateReuse, AWWA and WEF SWRCB-DDW 7 Advisory Group mtgs since Feb Recent mtg. Oct. 22
Other Concerns Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (ELAP) Presented to the Board on Nov. 4 th as an Information Item
Other Concerns Positive Train Control Rule – Congress passed stop gap measure in late October – President signed to extend until 2018