Sustainability – a task for everyone (especially engineers) Gerry Te Kapa Coates IPENZ Past-President 2003-2004.


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Presentation transcript:

Sustainability – a task for everyone (especially engineers) Gerry Te Kapa Coates IPENZ Past-President

Sustainability – What is it?  Many definitions as well as Brundtland’s  It concerns the long term survival of humanity – not just biodiversity  About managing change which is likely to degrade the planet  Paradigm shifts in thinking needed

Sustainability Principles  Principle 1: –Maintaining the viability of the planet  Principle 2: –Providing for equity within and between generations  Principle 3: –Solving problems holistically

Sustainability & Engineering  Managing changes in the environment over a long time scale  Equity and safety of engineering activities – quality of life and consultation  Problem solving – using systems thinking  Past problems – remediation

Engineers – What can we do? IPENZ Task Committee 2004 reported * on:  Sustainable Resources and Production  Sustainable Energy  Sustainable Transportation  Sustainable Water  Sustainable Solid Waste * Sustainability%20Task%20Committee%20Conference%20documents.pdf Sustainability%20Task%20Committee%20Conference%20documents.pdf

Sustainability of Resources and Products  The use and waste of resources is increasing significantly  For every kilogram of product many more kilograms of material are moved, consuming energy and polluting soil, water and air  In order to achieve sustainability, we will have to reduce our resource consumption by a factor of fold  This will need rethinking the technologies and products we produce and the services they provide – not just cleaner production, recycling or reuse

Renewable Energy Essential for Sustainable Development  Sustainable use of energy resources must support the wellbeing of present and future inhabitants.  The mix of energy sources needs to change.  Sustainable energy sources must account for 75% of all energy use by (Around 29% of total consumer energy in NZ is from renewable sources).  There will be costs involved in moving towards less dependence on fossil fuels. But there will be a much bigger price to pay if we don’t!

Risks for Present Energy Strategies  Climate change is inevitable and has begun. We must stop further damage.  Combustion of carbon will still be a problem whatever.  Sudden climate change “could result in catastrophic breakdown in international security” and fighting “wars over food, water & energy.” (US Pentagon Report 2003)

Sustainable Transportation for New Zealand  Transportation produces –40% of NZ’s CO 2 emissions –15% of Greenhouse Gases –Fastest growing source of GHG emissions  30% of motor vehicle trips < 2 km; 60% < 5 km NZ policy framework –Transfund and Transit to achieve an: “integrated, safe, responsive and sustainable land transport system”

Transport Implications for Engineers  Can’t build our way out of congestion  Need to move beyond “predict and provide”  Transportation is increasingly unsustainable from: –fuel, emissions, pollution –land use –congestion and economics (resources) –collisions, safety and health  We need to work at many levels –transportation policy, planning and funding –land use planning –traffic engineering practice –day-to-day road maintenance operations

Sustainable Water Resources  Traditional approaches under question (e.g. costs to upgrade and expand, potable water for toilet flushing)  P rocess-thinking to reflect the “water cycle” (integrated, localised, dynamic process) Water Supply Stormwater Wastewater NZ Policy framework: “Legislative framework…outdated and conflicting” (Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment, 2001)

Sustainable Water Implications for Engineers  Reflect Sustainability Principles (e.g. integration, ecological integrity, full cost, efficiency, community involvement)  Manage demand with efficient use  Low-impact, water-sensitive designs  More sustainable water technologies; make them competitive; “off the shelf”

Sustainable Solid Waste Management  Traditionally: –waste collection and disposal  Recent focus: –waste hierarchy and minimisation  Sustainability future tasks –waste minimisation –manage material flows and recycle –engineer products and processes NZ policy framework NZ Waste Strategy 2002 – “Towards zero waste and a sustainable NZ”

This Conference – Summing Up  There are still many unknowns, but that shouldn’t prevent us taking action  There may be many parallel paths to a sustainable world  The laws of thermodynamics are non-negotiable  Achieving sustainability will involve ethics  What level of growth can we manageably allow, and for whom?  Engineers and innovation alone won’t get us to sustainability without a paradigm shift in thinking