Not Your Everyday Place By: Eli Cash
Green white and Red are the colors of the Malagasy flag. Each color is the same size. The flag was first used Oct The Flag
TThis isolated island is home to many unique animals which have been separated from the main-land ever since God created the world. Here are 2 examples… TThe Tomato Frog: To defend itself the Tomato frog releases a sticky, glue-like liquid that protects it against colubrid snakes, cats, and dogs. TThe Tenrec: Some tenrecs are found in Africa, they are most diverse in Madagascar Animals
Madagascar is the fourth largest island in the world. It is one of the most isolated as well. No where else do Baobab trees grow. Also Madagascar is bigger than the U.S. state of California but smaller than Texas. Size
Madagascar typically has a tropical climate Climate Like most of the countries in Africa there are two seasons; rainy and dry.
French and Malagasy are the official languages of Madagascar. French The currency of money in Madagascar is ari-ari Common Languages and Currency
What where the two main languages in Madagascar? A: English and Chinese? B: Malagasy and French? C: Arabic and Dutch? Question, 1 Answer: B
What climate does Madagascar have? A: Tropical B: Cold C: Hot Question, 2 Answer: A
Which of these animals is only in Madagascar? A: Fossa, and Lemur B: Rabbit, and Fox C: Panda, and Red Panda Question, 3 Answer: A
Lemurs: 500x1000.jpg userimage2- 500x1000.jpg Chameleon: stretched-out-catching-preymountain-forestafrica-best-green-photo-filter.jpg stretched-out-catching-preymountain-forestafrica-best-green-photo-filter.jpg Fossa: Flag/info: Tenrecs: \ \ Madagascar image: Rain: Bonjour: General info: Tomato frog: Tenrec: The Links