GLG410 Final Project Geologic Reporting for a Sector near Granite Creek S.W. of Paulden, Arizona December 7, 2015 By: Eric A. Escoto
Mapping Location and Bounds Approximately 18 km 2 N
Work Involved 8 days over 4 weekends for field work Unit descriptions, attitudes, and field relationships Intermediate reporting done after every weekend assisted in a growing understanding of the locality Field map was digitized using ArcGIS and rendered in 3-D with ArcScene Histograms of Basalt flows Literature review on Arizona tectonics through time Final report, figures, concept sketches, and PP Presentation
Why? Continue to build on fundamental abilities as an Undergraduate field Geologist Construct a detailed Geologic History of the mapping area. Work with others to compile and produce results Make use of electronic tools commonly used in industry including MATLAB, ArcGIS, PP, and Microsoft Word and Excel Because it is FUN
ArcGIS Results
ArcScene Results
MATLAB Plot Field work revealed three distinct Miocene Basalt flows based on bench forming topography and phenocryst composition
Summary Research, Field work, Mapping, Computing, and Digitizing has been used to compile reporting for a sector called, “Granite Creek” My results show that during the wide range in the now abandoned named: “Tertiary” period, there were ongoing and differing volcanic activities The volcanic activities are more clearly defined by using current Geologic naming conventions, field relationships, and compositional analyses