The Worlds of the 15 th Century Ways of the World Chapter 12
Paleolithic Persistence – North America Hunting & gathering people in North America: Had permanent settlements Large & sturdy houses Economic specialization Stratified societies Powerful clan leaders Extensive storage of food
Paleolithic Persistence - Australia No agriculture present despite being present nearby on the island of New Guinea Firestick Farming: Controlled fires to clear brush in order to simplify hunting & promote the growth of certain plants & animals Exchanged good among themselves Developed elaborate myths & rituals None of the major features of the hunting & gathering people of N.A. are present
Agricultural Village Societies – West Africa Yorba &Benin people were creating small states & urban centers Igbo people relied on other institutions to maintain social cohesion beyond the village Women’s associations Ritual experts acting as mediators Balance of power between kinship groups All traded actively among themselves & with more distant peoples Tracing descent changed from matrilineal to patrilineal
Agricultural Village Societies – North America Increased tribal conflict & blood feuds led to political innovation Loose confederation of 5 Iroquois speaking tribes Operated by a consensus of 50 clan leaders Primary role was to keep peace & settle disputes Gave expression to the values of limited government, social equality, & personal freedom Women had much authority Descent was matrilineal Married couples lived with the wife’s family Women controlled agriculture Men were hunters, warriors, & political office holders Women selected & could depose the office holders
Major Achievements of the Ming Dynasty Led China’s recovery from the disruption of Mongol rule & the effects of the plague by looking back to ancient Chinese dynasties Restored the civil service examination system Restored millions of acres for cultivation Rebuilt canals, dams, & irrigation systems Undertook the largest & most impressive maritime expeditions in history Arguably the most prosperous & best governed of the major civilization of the time
Comparing Chinese Exploration to European Exploration China Enormous fleet of several hundred large ships Needed no military allies No desire to convert foreigners to Chinese culture or religion Wanted neither conquest nor colonies Exploration abruptly ended after 1433 Europe Expeditions of a handful of small ships Motivated by the desire for wealth, finding people to convert to Christianity, & recruiting allies against the Muslim powers Sought to forcefully monopolize Indian Ocean commerce & create empires in the Americas Exploration continued & escalated after 1433
Differences among the four major empires of the Islamic world The Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal Empires were all of Turkic origins, while the Songhay was not Ottoman and Safavid Empires ruled over the heartland of the Muslim world where a majority of their subjects were Muslim Mughal and Songhay Empires ruled over regions where Muslims were the minority The rulers of the Safavid Empire were the only ones to impose Shia Islam as the official state religion
Aztec Empire vs. Inca Empire Aztec Smaller – controlled only one part of the Mesoamerican cultural region No administrative system was created to incorporate conquered territories & people into Aztec culture Extracted substantial tribute from subject populations in the form of goods System of commercial exchange based on free markets & merchants Inca Much larger – at its height controlled almost all of Andean civilization Created a highly bureaucratic empire where the authority of the state directed Incan society & economy Primarily extracted labor services from their subjects Government played a major role in the production & distribution of goods
Interaction of people in the 15 th century People of the 15 th century interacted largely through webs of empire Large scale political systems linked a variety of culturally diverse people Connections of religion linked people across vast distances & empires Long established patterns of trade also promoted interaction & linked people