Eighth Grade Social Studies Colonization to Independence Ohio’s New Learning Standards K-12.


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Presentation transcript:

Eighth Grade Social Studies Colonization to Independence Ohio’s New Learning Standards K-12

Objectives Students will be able to identify how competition leads to conflict Students will learn how previous conflicts affect current ones Students will look for a better solution than the one that occurred in history

pre-Assessment Students place your pointer next to questions you think you already know. 1. Who colonized the New World from the Old World? 2. Who were the major players in this game? Were Native American interests considered in European negations? After the chaos who ends up with the most?

Introduction to Topic “Observe good faith and justice towards all nations, cultivate peace and harmony with all.” George Washington

A quick look at colonization First watch this short video

European Colonization Coming to the New World was no easy task European technology and disease allowed the New World to be colonized Once Europeans landed on the continent old conflicts continued There is only so much land and everyone had their claim

Student practice slides With your pen divide this pie into as many pieces as possible.

Student Practice Slides It was probably difficult to divide the pie. Now imagine trying to divide this pie evenly, and with someone you do not like very much. You would probably start to argue and make a claim to your section of the pie. Then you would start to defend your pieces of pie.

If your friend made a claim to a neutral piece of pie you might object to it. He then calls in his other friend to backup his claim to the piece of pie. You then call in your friends to back up your claim to the pie.

Soon there are a lot of people who had no original claim to the pie In the end the strongest (or luckiest) ends up with what is left of the pie.

The pie represents what happened in the American colonies Spain, Great Britain, France, and many smaller countries all claimed to own a section of North America. The British and French had been fighting on and off for around five hundred years. The Native Americans tried to remain independent

A little Discussion In the chat box respond to this question If you are a Native American tribe and two countries are fighting for your land who do you ally your tribe with? The British or the French?

Both are correct. Early in what would become known as the French and Indian War many Native American tribes sided with the French. When Great Britain was more likely to win many tribes changed their allegiance.

A War Begins Conflict over land leads to a war between Great Britain and France. British settlers start settling land west of the Appalachian Mountains. France asks them to leave “French land.” King of Britain George II acts to defend his settlers. France claims early victories in the war and looks to be victorious.

From Europe to America The French may have been winning in North America, but Europe was a much different story. After Great Britain defeats France in Europe and Asia the focus shifts towards North America. The king of France Louis XV looks for help from the king of Spain.

Progress Check Give me a green check or a red x if this is a good pace or if I need to slow down. Call on one student by asking them to use the hand up/down button in order to use the microphone to answer this question, What were the three main countries involved in the French and Indian war?

Despite his call for help the British navy is too powerful and the British forces too numerous for the French king. King Louis XV must ask for peace The Treaty of Paris is signed giving most of North America to Great Britain.

Victory? The French and Indian War cost Great Britain greatly. Thousands of soldiers died fighting in the colonies The war cost Great Britain financially as well. The country goes heavily into debt This leads to levying higher taxes on the colonies

The taxes eventually lead to another war One in which Great Britain would lose her colonies and much of North America.

Post Assessment Write a half page to page response and post it to the chat box From this lesson we learned that competition can lead to conflict and former conflicts can affect new ones. The eventual outcome is a long costly war for both sides. Can you think of a better solution to the conflict than war, if no, then why was war the best option for both sides? If yes explain your solution. Feel free to add emoticons in order to enhance your response.

Extension Activity Many countries occupied the New World. Their cultures are still influencing those areas today. For homework look up three different areas of North America, one northern, one middle, and one southern region and see which culture is most prevalent through food, art, architecture etc...

Reference Kindig, Thomas. “The French and Indian War”. History.org. Independence Hall Association.2014.web. August 28th Youtube.com(web); August 28 th 2014.