4 December 2015 D2N2 Growth Hub 1 st Anniversary Event Lindsay Allen, D2N2
One of 39 & 5th largest ‘LEP’ in England Covering an area with a population of over 2 million people and economic output of over £36 billion. 55,000 PRIVATE SECTOR JOBS IN THE D2N2 AREA BY 2023 We cover rural areas towns and cities We work with Local Authorities at local level Website is a key engagement tool but you can also call us The UK’s most inspirational post code area D2N2
Developed and delivered in partnership by: D2N2 LEP East Midlands Chamber Nottingham City Council
A Partnership Private Sector Chairman of the Project Board Business reps on the Board Local Authorities Universities Sector Groups Private sector delivery partners
Our aim : To help businesses profit from support & advice services in Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire
A universal gateway through our website and telephone service to any business in Derbyshire & Nottinghamshire D2N2 Business Advisors to help with growth & Innovation plans Support from the national products and Support for our key growth sectors Business Support We engage with ambitious businesses Support your marketing through our website, e-news, blogs, Linked In pages and social media Organise joint events Speak to groups of businesses about our offer Support national campaigns We work as partners
1540 businesses assisted 1007 total referrals 1058 (second tier advice support) Growing number of repeat enquirers 780 referrals to local business support partners/provider 85% would recommend to a friend/colleague Achievements since launch - 5 December 2014
Businesses Supported Sector Advice
Achievements since launch - 5 December partners delivering direct services for the Growth Hub via BIS funding Public, Private and Social Enterprise partner engagement Fully operational CRM system (Microsoft Dynamics) 300 businesses on the Business Directory
Highest single reason for referral is access to finance Average of 4500 monthly web visits Growing Twitter following (1925 in Nov) Use of Linked In Groups Achievements since launch - 5 December 2014
Current Key Issues Current BIS Funding runs out March 2016 – good news £24m announced over two years to support Growth Hubs Implications from the notification to wind down Business Growth Service from 30 November – 31 March 2016 Growth Accelerator The Manufacturing Advisory Service Work as a partnership and review the range of provision and programmes we can offer