Welcome to Drawing 2011 Instructor: Jimmie Tucek “Mz. Jimmie”
High Expectations This is not a “gimme” class. I have high expectations for my students. This class is to prepare students for more advanced art classes. This class includes both written assignments and creative project work. Failure to turn in work will result in poor grades or loss of course credit. You are required to participate in the annual spring art show as part of your grade for the spring semester. You will not pass for one or more six weeks, possibly the year, (depending on your average) if you choose not to participate. This could conceivably lead to you having to repeat your fine arts requirement. The State of Texas requires one year of Fine Arts to graduate.
“Supplies” for Drawing Class 1. Notebook-with writing paper and ability to add pages. Bring it every day. 2. Shipping tube/or Portfolio-that will fit in your locker. A three or four inch round tube is the easiest to get your work in and out of. I have a limited number of these available for use. Share with table mates. 3. Optional-Flash Drive for presentations, portfolio, etc.
Grading Policy Tests/ Projects 40% Up to 4 tests each six weeks. Projects will also be worth 40%. Project work will be based both on the “finished product,” and the process/effort expended by the student. I will not penalize well executed but unsuccessful efforts, but neither will I encourage minimum efforts.
Grading Policy Continued Class Work60% Daily grades-portions of the projects will be evaluated for daily grades (for example: completed and correct grid, etc.). Studio Experiences Daily Grade-Some weeks you will receive a weekly aggregate grade, up to a possible 100. Classes are short. You are expected to work the whole class each day- there is no “down time” in art class. To maintain your grade, you must have a project to grade. Pre-planning time will be limited as with real world art applications.
Class Procedures School Policy: All phones are to be turned off in class. Ask before you use your phone as camera or for reference material. If you have it out without permission, I will turn it in. Place all “personal” items (book bags, notebooks, purses, etc.), except art and supplies on the floor under your work station. No hats in class. No electronic music devices. Find your seat and assignments. Assignments will be posted on the board each day.
Begin assignment. You will have a short bell activity to complete in the first 5 minutes of class most days. All work will be “original.” No “copy” art. Students will be expected to compose and take their own photo references (with your own or the teacher’s camera) or work from observation. If you have a camera, please make a habit of bringing it with you. Ask for access to equipment and supplies from cabinets or drawers. Project supplies and tools will be placed out for class use or distributed by the instructor.
There is a “two-paper” limit per day. Plan wisely. I will not allow you to “restart” a project more than once on the first day of the project. I will also discourage any “restarting” of a project after the first day due to time constraints. Please keep the room orderly and neat-each class deserves this consideration. Messes will be written up as detentions. Please do not deface school property.
End of Class Procedures I will announce clean-up about five minutes before class ends. The classroom will be clean before I dismiss class. Not all classroom sinks are for your use. Use the island sink. Do not use the “Clay Sink.” It is for clay cleanup and retrieval only.
When cleanup is complete, students will be allowed to gather personal items from floor. Do not leave your work anywhere in the classroom, except in a drawing tube. You, -not me, are responsible for keeping up with your artwork. Return to “your seat” and wait quietly. The bell is my reminder to dismiss you-please remain seated until I dismiss the class. You may pick up your phones on the way out.
Class Rules-Respect Follow directions. Remember safety-All “horseplay” will be written up. Be on time, so that I do not have to mark you “Tardy.” Use your time between classes and during breaks wisely. I will not let you leave during class each day to visit the restroom. NO COLOGNES, PERFUMES, OR SCENTED SPRAYS.
Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself Do not throw objects No teasing, name calling, swearing, or yelling No “severe” behavior Fighting Talking back Destruction of property General disturbances or disruptions
About Mz. Jimmie I am a professional Artist and Teacher. My area of expertise is stone sculpture but I am proficient in many studio media (oil, acrylic, watercolor, pen & ink, drawing media, and clay). My husband’s name is Gary. My contact information is on the school website.
All artwork included in this presentation are drawings by High School students from other schools in this region.
Let’s have a “Great” year!