Romare Bearden Bearden was an African-American Artist from South Carolina. He was a painter, cartoonist, collage maker and semi-pro baseball player. Bearden was one of the first artists to use color pictures from magazines within his collages. This gave his images a “modern” feel. Bearden became socially active as an artist during the 1960's, and made a number of images involving the Civil Rights movement. A majority of Bearden's Montages were autobiographical in nature, and show his memories and experiences.
In order to create the illusion of space, an artist must include the following: A background (farthest part of the picture from the viewer) Middle Ground (one step closer than the background) Foreground (closest part of the picture to the viewer). Overlapping (objects that sit in front of other objects) In addition to this, the artist must use the 3Ps. The 3 p’s are….
Proportion refers to the size of the objects in your picture. An object that is closer to you seems larger, while objects that are farther away appear to shrink.
Placement refers to where objects in the picture appear. The objects that are towards the bottom are closer to the viewer, objects towards the top are farther away.
Perspective Perspective refers to how objects appearance changes over great distances. Perspective is directly related to the placement of the horizon line and vanishing points.
Atmospheric Perspective Atmospheric Perspective refers too how objects that are farther away don't seem to have as much detail/color as objects that are closer to the viewer.
Perspective During the Renaissance artists became interested in making two-dimensional artwork look three-dimensional through the use of linear perspective. Renaissance- (1450-1600): The Renaissance began in Italy and spread through Northern Europe. Art, Science, and Literature grew during this time. Famous Renaissance artist include Leonardo Davinci, Michealangelo, and Raphael. 7
Perspective In order to create a linear perspective drawing, the artist needs to use the following: Vanishing Point The single point on the horizon where all the lines on the ground level seem to come together Horizon Line The place where the land and the sky meet. Orthogonal Lines or Converging lines Lines that connect to the vanishing point 8
1 point perspective occurs when there is only 1 vanishing point 1 point perspective occurs when there is only 1 vanishing point. The closest part of the object to the viewer is a flat surface. 2 point perspective occurs when there are 2 vanishing points. The closest part of the object to the viewer is a corner.
Drawing Procedures Plumming can be used in drawing to visually measure the size of different objects in a still life. Plumming can also be used to measure the straight angles of objects to get a better idea of the objects linear perspective. Contrast in drawing refers to the difference between the whites and blacks in a picture. Whisper Lines are lines that are drawn very lightly on your paper to ensure that you can erase them easily. The last step to finishing a drawing is spraying fixative on it to make srue the drawing doesn’t smear.
Abstract Art Abstract art is an artistic movement that rebelled against the 500 year tradition of creating art that is realistic. Abstract art is a style of art in which the pictures that are being made are non representational. Abstract art uses lines, shapes, patterns and values and color as the main focus of the art. Famous Abstract Artists include Pablo Picasso, Jackson Polluck and Frank Stella
Negative Space A negative space drawing is a drawing where the artist uses contour lines to draw the line where positive and negative space meet. Positive space is everything in the drawing that is actual matter. Negative space is the part of the drawing that is nothing.
A FULL RANGE OF VALUES is made up of deep blacks, a variety of grays (dark to light) and pure white.
A Flat Value occurs when entire sections of the drawing are filled in with the same value.
A Gradient Value occurs when the blacks, grays and and whites fade smoothly into each other.
Every pencil creates a different value. 4h, 2h, hb, F, B, 2B, 4B, 6B, 8B H pencils stands for HARD. The larger the number, the lighter the pencil. B stands for BLACKNESS. The larger the number, the DARKER the pencil.