DOLL Living Lab - 13 km road and bike lane new masts and luminaries - 12 different intelligent management systems All with IP-adress + com-notes - Sustainable lighting park Control/show Room - 35 companies
DOLL Testlabs Quality Lab Technical-scientific lab – state-of-the art instruments, development, tests and verifications Virtual Lab Simulating lighting solutions in 3D Living Lab Showroom and test field for new LED-lighting, control-systems, sustainable and Smart City solutions The 3 labs focus on: Outdoor lighting, Indoor lighting, Smart City and biological light effects
Success factors Platform building –open and across value chain Right timing – need for streetlight renovation Relevant public support scheme Engagement and determined host municipality Focus on communication and project infrastructures
What´s up next? Beacons & Hyper Local Advertising Smart Parking Smart Outdoor Light City WiFi Air Quality Waste Collection Security & Surveillance Infrastructure monitoring & maintenance Navigation Smart Bus Stops Smart Grid