SHIFTING FROM STUDYING TO THE LEARNING PHILOSOPHY LECTURING STUDYING FACILITATOR MOTIVATOR INOVATOR STUDENTS LEARNERS TEACHERS LECTURERS LEARNER’S TASKS 1.Find a Short Article 2.Build 5W1H Sentences 3.List Verbal and Nominal Sentences 4.Identify tenses and it’s pattern 6.Translate the sentences 7.Give reasons why writer uses the tenses 5.Change sentences either into active or passive construction 1.Create a Personal Blog 2.Have a Plastic Folder
. SKILL NEEDS OF ENGLISH: 1.Reading 2.Writing 3.Listening 4.Speaking LEARNING STRATEGY: Publipreneur Based Language Learning (PBLL) GRADUATE: competence, profile, career prospects, job vacancy, learning process, learning facilities SUPPORT SYSTEM: Students, Lecturers, facilities, Methods Outcome: 1.Academic 2.Students’ outlook 3.Graduate employability VISION: Scouting Learners to communicate about photography business. 6. Marketing (Provide the products to marketing targets 7. Delivering (Deliver the products to clients 5. Publishing (Layouting your idea in a publication format) 4. Editing (Find and correct any mistakes have made) 3. Revising (Share and reflect on your first draft) 2. Drafting (Get your idea down on paper) 1. Prewriting (Think and Plan) CAREER IN PHOTOGRAPHY BUSINESS : 1.Freelance Photographer 2.Medical or Forensic Photographer 3.Photojournalist 4.Staff Photographer 5.Studio Owner PBLLPBLL LEARNING APPROACH
LEARNING OBJECTIVES GENERAL OBJECTIVES SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES Undersanding the English language usage in the Photography Business and industry. Language usage in photography business proposal writing Acquiring English language usage in Photography Business through learning steps of prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, publishing, marketing, delivering. Language usage in photography business letter writing Language usage in photography business presentation writing Using Publipreneur Based Language Learning for Photography Business Purposes
PREWRITING Studens’ Tasks – Grouping the class into 3 up to 5 students – Brainstorm with your partners – Decide the topic you are going to discuss. – Build students’ personal blog – Searching the site about Photography Business. Learning Output – Students’ Peer Reviewer – List of references – Name of Products (book or magazine) – Writing talent scouting. – Data collecting. – Reading for writing. Video Watching in Youtube Competencies – Think and Plan the Project Expected Learning Portfolios: -Slide Presentation -Book Dummy -Magazine Dummy -Business Proposal -Caption Writing -Business Letter -Video Recording
DRAFTING Studens’ Tasks – Drafting ideas into papers. – Input the worded draft into PC. Compete ncies – Getting Idea down on paper Expected Output – Rough Draft of Personal or Group Works. – Proposal Drafting – Business letter drafting – Slide Drafting
REVISING Studens’ Tasks – Make the class into group of writer vs editor. – Exchange the draft into each group – Brainstorm among each group. Competenci es – Share and reflection your first draft Learning Output: – Revised draft. – The owned draft get feedback from reviewers. – Composition Focus. – Language Focus. – Peer Review & Final Draft
EDITING Studens’ Tasks – Get correction from the original draft. – Do substantive, mechnaical and pictorial editing. Competenci es: –Find and correct any mistakes have made Learning Output: – No wonder with the content accuracy. – No wonder with grammatical mistakes.
PUBLISHING Studens’ Tasks – Layouting the draft into – Using the related software (Indesign, Photoshop, ect) Competencies –Layouting your idea in a publication format Learning Output: – Book or Magazine Dummy. – Business Proposal. – Business letter. – Slide Presentation
MARKETING Studens’ Tasks – Group Presentation – Product Owners and Presenters – The rest are to be clients ad adjudicators. – Video Shooting Competenci es –Provide the products to marketing targets. Learning Output: – Assuring Clients. – Handling Complaints – Delivering Ideas
DELIVERING Studens’ Tasks – Put all the printed products into personal blog – Upload the video into youtube “GranezhaPubl y” Competenci es –Deliver the products to clients online & offline Learning Output: – Put all the printed products into personal blog – Upload the video into youtube “GranezhaPubl y”
LEARNING TREATMENT OF CRATIVE BUSINESS ENGLISH SKILL THROUGH PUBLIPRENEUR APPROACHES NoLearning Activities Weekly Time Schedule From 1 to 16LSP I II-VIIVIIIIX-XVXVI- APREWRITING 1Writing talent scouting 2Data collecting 3Reading for writing BDRAFTING 1Slide Drafting 2Proposal Drafting 3Business letter drafting CREVISING A 1Composition Focus S 2Language Focus FS 3Peer Review & Final Draft IE DEDITING PMNS 1Mechanical editing RIAS 2Substantive editing EDLM 3Pictorial Editing E EPUBLISHING TTN 1Layouting EETT 2Designing SSE 3Illustrating TTST FMARKETING TE 1.Personal marketing S 2.Group marketing T 3Offering project to clients GDELIVERING 1Online-Delivering (BLOG) 2Offline-Delivering (VIDEO) 3Print-Delivering (?)
LEARNERS’ PRE-REQUISITES Familiar with computer mininaly Microsoft Words Recommended among the group must be one able to demonstrate the Publishing Sofware (ex: Indesign, Photosdop, FlippingBook Publisher). For more information and learning portfolio models, please goes site and youtube : For Career Prospective Please Visit: opportunities/photography
THANKS Dibuat oleh Tim Pandu Kreatif Sekolah Menulis dan Menerbitkan GranezhaPubly (Created by B’Scout Creative Team at GranezhaPubly School of Writing and Publishing) Implemented and Supported by: