CMOS Front End ASICS for the SLHC Inner Tracker May 3, 2007 Mitch Newcomer
UPENN 5/3/072 SCT CMOS ASIC Design Team CERN MIC Francis Anghinolfi, Jan Kaplon University of Geneva Daniel Lamarra, Sebastien Pernecker AGH-Cracow Wladek Dabrowski, Krzysztof Swientek University of Pennsylvania Mitch Newcomer, Nandor Dressnandt W ork organized/updated through bi weekly phone conferences
UPENN 5/3/073 ABCn/Module Readout Summary Recently discussions associated with the readout of Silicon Strip modules have led to the adoption of a two ASIC hierarchical approach: ABCn objectives will be scaled back. Improvements in data storage / buffering, new commands will be retained as well as housing an all CMOS front end readout. It will be backwards compatible or very similar to ABCD, intended primarily to implement module level improvements for SLHC. It will be developed on a fast track utilizing all institutional available resources, offloading more contentious issues of module to stave level readout and module level DCS to a second ASIC. A Module Controller chip will be developed over a longer time frame to address issues associated with module to stave communication and serial powering. Data transfer within a module is not finally optimized. This scheme provides an ASIC suitable module development while data transfer options are explored and finalized.
UPENN 5/3/074 Two Specialized ASICs To Stave Fiber Drive Simplified ABCn submission - No PLL/DLL - No Clock phase decoding -DRV/Rcvr’s DC coupled -Minimize # first time blocks in ABCn -Lower risk of missing submission schedule. -Lower complexity Higher yield -Can be made Backwards compatible Module Rcvr/Drvr ASIC Addresses issues at appropriate hierarchial level. - PLL/DLL clock/data phase - Logic Interface reduces logic loading: AC coupling/ Balanced enc. - Establish CLK/CMD phasing once per module. - Temp/Voltage Readback?? - Module Level power Regulator? Module Controller DLL PLL HFCLK (40-160MHz) Base CLK CMDin Data OutIn Tok/Data ABCN No DLL/PLL HFCLK (40-160MHz) HFCMD Out Tok/Data In Tok/Data CMDout HF ABCN No DLL/PLL HFCLK (40-160MHz) HFCMD Out Tok/Data In Tok/Data ABCN No DLL/PLL HFCLK (40-160MHz) HFCMD Out Tok/Data In Tok/Data 40MhZ CMD …20 #1 #2 #3 SSS M E
UPENN 5/3/075 Two ASIC Hierarchical Approach ASIC #1 ABCn (fast track 0.25um Design) Sensor signal processing (CMOS for now ) L1 data sparsification / BC association Sufficient Buffer depth for data syncronization Backwards (ABCD) compatible Reduced power over ABCD 2.5 1.9mW/ch On board Regulators Compatible with Serial powering ?Constant power?
UPENN 5/3/076 Two ASIC Hierarchical Approach ASIC #2 Module Controller MC** (Target first 130nm MPW Submission) Stave to Module Data Communication Stave Level Data Alignment Fast Clock Generation 40MHz BC 40/80/160MHz DCS functionality : temp / voltage Serial Power ? This kind of organization has been mentioned previously: In Alex Grillo’s Oct ‘05 note this is the Com Con chip. Philippe Farthouat presented it as a possibility in an/the Inner tracker upgrade proposal
UPENN 5/3/077 SCT Module Control ASIC PLL CLK gen 40/80/160MHz Enabled BiPhase Mark decoding CMD in 40MHz CLK DLL CLK Phase Delay Enabled BiPhase Mark encoding (Clock embedded Data?) Module Data Out To/From Stave Controller To/From ABCn’s Data Master Logic/Buffers Monitor Functions ( t, V, PLL/DLLLock) Clk/CMD Sync HF CMD HF CLK HF Data 1 HF Data n … Local DC coupled bus Single drop point per module
UPENN 5/3/078 Penn SCT Module Readout Effort ABCn I/O: Low level, Low Power Drivers/Rcvrs Clock off (constant) Power Shunt Power / Speed / Layout tradeoffs in clock rate and encoded clock schemes (130nm ABCn) Extracted Simulation / Verification MC DLL / PLL data alignment** AC compatible Drivers / Rcvrs DCS interface temp/voltage meas. (similar to DTMROC) ASIC assy / Floor planning with Manhattan Routing **Significant effort on PLL/DLL (originally for ABCn) already in FY07
UPENN 5/3/079 6mW (200MHz) Point to Point Differential Current Rcvr Digital 70 ohm input Z Each input INp INm Rcvr Out
UPENN 5/3/0710 6mW Point to Point Clock Rcvr 0.25um CMOS worst case slow models 8pF ASIC to ASIC Stray, 1mA current drive 200MHz Clock input Rcvr (analog) Output First Inverter out
UPENN 5/3/0711 Near Term Timetable ABCn 0.25um – High Priority July 07 -Blocks ready for floor planning Submit ABCN Dec ‘07 MC ASIC 130nm July – October ‘07 define / justify / finalize stave data interface. DCS interface Submission Date (loose) Spring ‘08 ABCn 130nm TBD ( Dec ’08 ?)
UPENN 5/3/0712 Estimated Effort / Resources (CMOS ASIC design Effort) P eople EE.9 FTE Student Help - (EE) 1. FTE MC ASIC Chip assembly 130nm wrapper Manhattan Routing 2.5K (Tor Ekenberg) Travel 5K