2013 Keith Millis Symposium on Ductile Cast Iron Co-Sponsored by DIS and AFS (Your Presentation/ Paper Title) (Presenter’s Name) (Company/Organization Name) Insert Company Logo Here
Instructions To create new slides, simply select “New Slide” within PowerPoint. The new slide will automatically come up in the symposium format. COMMERCIALISM: Your company logo may only appear on the title slide. If you violate this rule, your presentation will be returned for you to correct. It is highly recommended that you view your final presentation on a screen prior to submitting it in order to verify that your figures and tables can be seen in a large room Keith Millis Symposium on Ductile Cast Iron Co-Sponsored by DIS and AFS
Instructions Your presentation must be received prior to the Symposium so it can be loaded on the computer and ready for you when you arrive. Deadline for submission is October 1, DIS will provide the computer and the projector. Plan on giving your presentation from the podium using the DIS laptop computer Keith Millis Symposium on Ductile Cast Iron Co-Sponsored by DIS and AFS
2013 Keith Millis Symposium on Ductile Cast Iron Co-Sponsored by DIS and AFS Instructions for Submitting your Presentation All PowerPoint Presentations are due by October 1, To upload your presentation: – Go to – In the username field enter: consultant – In the password field enter: safe – Recipient enter: Scott Lammers – Click on Browse and add your file from your computer – Click Upload File
2013 Keith Millis Symposium on Ductile Cast Iron Co-Sponsored by DIS and AFS For additional information, please contact: Name Address Phone Fax Web Site Address You may display this slide at the conclusion of your presentation if you desire. Note that company logos are NOT permitted on this slide if you decide to use it. (Please delete this message.)