ROAR EXPECTATIONS Edison High School Advisory Presentation January 10, 2012 Presented by: Edison Advisory Teachers
ROAR Expectations Lesson Plan Agenda Learning Target and Assessing Learning; What does ROAR stand for?; Integrating ROAR and the International Baccalaureate (IB) Learner Profile; Exit Slip.
ROAR Expectations Learning Target: Students will be able to know what ROAR stands for and how it connects to the IB Learner Profile. Formative and Summative Assessing: Students will be formatively assessed based on their participation in the written and verbal parts of the lesson. Students will be summatively assessed based on their writing down what ROAR stands for and writing three complete sentences describing how they believe ROAR connects to the IB Learner Profile.
ROAR Expectations Thomas Edison Mission Statement “All students will graduate with the skills necessary to excel in their post-secondary aspirations.”
ROAR Expectations How do we achieve the mission of Thomas Edison High School? Students provide specific examples of how we can work together to achieve the school’s mission by raising their hands and reporting out in a whole group format; Advisor writes down examples.
ROAR Expectations What does ROAR stand for? Students provide specific examples of what they think ROAR stands for by raising their hands and reporting out in a whole group format; Advisor writes down examples.
ROAR Expectations ROAR Defined R: Responsibility O: Opportunity A: Achievement R: Respect
ROAR Expectations R esponsibility In order to graduate with the skills necessary to excel in our post-secondary aspirations, we must all be on time and prepared for learning. It is important to act with integrity and honesty as principled, passionate, life-long learners. As we explore new topics, take time to be reflective by giving thoughtful consideration to your individual and small/whole group learning. It is your responsibility to balance your after school activities to include time for focused, academic study every day. *IB Learner Profile traits are bolded and highlighted.
ROAR Expectations O pportunity As inquirers, we will strive to make learning an enjoyable experience by exploring and expanding upon our curiosity. There will be a balance of individual, small group, and whole group activities designed to construct knowledge and help us make meaning out of our social interactions. As you approach unfamiliar situations, be a willing risk-taker by communicating your academic and personal beliefs with courage and forethought. *IB Learner Profile traits are bolded and highlighted.
ROAR Expectations A chievement Each day we will participate in learning activities to acquire in-depth knowledge and develop understanding across a wide range of topics. Approach each challenge with critical and creative thinking skills to make reasoned decisions and justifications. We will confidently and creatively be communicating with one another through speaking, writing, and active listening to promote learning. *IB Learner Profile traits are bolded and highlighted.
ROAR Expectations R espect To learn together, we must strive to be positive in our thinking and in our actions in order to create a caring classroom community. It is important that we value our individual efforts, as well as the efforts of others, in order to create the ability for achieving our academic and personal hopes and dreams. To understand and appreciate the thoughts of others, have an open-mind during group and class discussions and know that in order to get respect, you must also give respect. *IB Learner Profile traits are bolded and highlighted.
ROAR Expectations Formative Assessment: Visual Check for Understanding Ask students to close their eyes and raise their hand if they agree with the following statement: “Please raise your hand if you know what ROAR stands for.” Check to see what percentage of the class raised their hands and re-teach as needed.
ROAR Expectations Summative Assessment: What Have I Learned Today? 1. Please quietly take out a piece of paper and a writing utensil; 2. Place your name, the date, and the hour in the upper right hand corner of the piece of paper; 3. Title the paper ROAR Expectations and underline the title; 4. Number the left hand side of the paper 1-5; 5. For questions 1-4, simply write down what each letter of “ROAR” stands for; 6. For question number 5, write three complete sentences describing how you believe ROAR connects to the IB Learner Profile; 7. Raise your hand when you are finished and I will come by and pick up your exit slip for leaving advisory today.
ROAR Expectations Closure “It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts.” -John Wooden