Italy Talia Santopadre June 15, 2010
Culture MMMMost people in Italy speak Italian. PPPPeople speak the verb first in Italy. MMMMost of the people in Italy are Roman Catholic TTTThe currency in Italy is euro. SSSSchooling starts at age 6 and goes to age 14. YYYYou can continue your education afterwards though.
Tourists Attractions The Leaning Tower of Pisa Venice Rome La Scala Pompeii
What Italians do for fun Mostly all people play soccer Some people play baseball Some people play basketball Some people play volleyball
Food Spaghetti Pizza(they didn’t really invent it but they sure made it popular) They have lots of cheese(they use lots of cheese all the time)
Other facts about Italy Italy is really big in the fashion industry. Italy has different ice cream, called gelato, which is thicker than ice cream here.
The End