APUSH AUGUST 19 TH, 2011 Founding the 13 Colonies
Does religion unite or divide people ?
What is going on in England? Protestant Reformation 1517 Martin Luther launches Protestant Reformation Anglican Church forms Henry VIII wants annulment, pope denies Declares himself head of Church of England Protestant with some Catholic rituals and organization
Puritans ke/pop_puritans.html
The wool effect… Joint-stock companies -- > $$$$ -- > colonies
The Virginia Company 1606: Stockholders have permission to start colonies in Virginia (thanks King James I!) 3 ships men Guess how many made it?
104 Guess what they named their new colony?
Who has lived in the countryside before? What problems might you have adapting to living in the countryside? (pre colmados…)
Free land for 7 years of labor…. What type of person may be enticed by this offer?
Too many people, not enough… Settlers raid American Indian food stores… American Indians retaliate > 60 (less than a year)
Smoking becomes popular in England John Rolfe used seeds from Trinidad news.net/tag/tobacco-farmers/
“Christian Servants” African men Not called “slaves”
Maryland In England, Catholics persecuted 1632, Lord Baltimore creates “proprietary colony” Almost unlimited authority Impose taxes, create army Cannot do anything against English law Protestant settlers… more conflict! Toleration Act 1649: religious toleration of all Christians (deny divinity of Jesus is punishable by death!)