We use the term ‘register’ to refer to particular varieties or styles of speaking and writing. Generally, speakers or writers purposefully vary their register for a particular purpose or in a particular setting.
Register It is useful to consider register, often a conscious choice of the communicator, when thinking about the intention of an utterance (ranging from a plea to advertisement). Also consider the implied audience: who is the speaker addressing?
Register 1961, Martin Joos – a linguist. Attempted to address register as levels of formality by describing five styles of spoken English. Frozen Formal Consultative Casual Intimate
Register Other words that you might use to describe the register, style; Uptight or relaxed?Formal ElegantNeutral AcademicInformal Sometimes your own apt description works best when describing a feeling you recognise.
Frozen Register Is pre-determined or scripted language used in prescribed, often ritualistic contexts such as a court of law or a religious ceremony e.g prayers, religious services, ritualistic contexts such as a court of law
Frozen Register - example In a court of law: “I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. So help me God” National Anthem Oath of Office: I, (name), do swear that I will well and truly serve Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Her heirs and successors according to law, in the office of Governor- General of the Commonwealth of Australia, and I will do right to all manner of people after the laws and usages of the Commonwealth of Australia, without fear or favour, affection or ill will. So help me God! [
Formal Register Is used in speeches and presentations, as opposed to discussions Examples: – Introductions between strangers – Formal announcements – Business interactions
Consultative Register Is language more often used in dialogue that includes some off-hand, informal language, impromptu corrections and non-technical explanation Conversation rather than one person speaking. Is respectful, equal Often between strangers, unfamiliar situations
Casual Register Is used in group discussions with friends that can include gaps, interruptions, pauses, errors and personal “inside” words. Letters and notes to friends Chats and s Talking in a team or group of friends and close associates
Intimate Register Is used in private conversations between close friends and family where tone, volume and unspoken hits or suggestions may be just as important as the denotation of words. Is normally non-public Intonation is as important as grammar A private vocabulary
Register Do you think register matters, consider the times when the register just is not right (unless its use is sarcastic or joking)
Register A wife and a husband in the morning: “Good Morning, John. How are you today?” “I’m fine, thank you, and yourself? I’ve made a pot of coffee. Can I pour you a cup?” “That would be fine.”
Register An employee asking for a rise: “Dude, I’ve got freaken’ nuthin. You gotta give me more cash.” “As if.”
Register How would you describe the register of the following statements? “Honoured guests, members of the board, Superintendent Johnson, and most importantly, graduates of the class of 2014, it is an honour to speak to you on this occasion.”
Register “While I was pleasantly surprised by the menu selections for dinner service, I was disheartened by the luke warm eggs at breakfast.”
Register “Yeah, right.” “I doubt it.” “I’m tired of your rubbish.” “I’m tired.”
What register is being used here? PM Jane Eyre avclient&ie=UTF- 8&rlz=1T4TSHN_enAE627AE630&q=song+dun no+nothin Nuthin!