Mathematics Across the Curriculum Liz Smith Secondary School Improvement Consultant Leeds Caroline Jackson LA Maths AST – The Co-operative Academy of Leeds
Objectives Consider the potential impact that mathematics skills have in a wider context To share and celebrate good practice and expertise To consider best practice models in leading on whole school mathematics Identify priorities to ensure schools and settings become more effective at strategic approaches to whole school mathematics
State of the Nation 1) 17 million adults in England are roughly equivalent to the standards expected in primary school. 2) In 2011 only 22% of the working- age population in England (7.5 million adults) reached Level 2 or above in numeracy.
State of the Nation 3) Children who struggle with numeracy are twice as likely to be excluded from school as those who do not. Source: KPMG 2008 using DCSF figures 4) 2/3 of young people in custody have numeracy levels at or below the level expected of an 11-year-old. Source: BSA Assessment
5) Adults with poor numeracy are twice as likely to be unemployed than those who are competent. Source: Carpentieri et al. 2009, NRDC ) Adults with poor numeracy are 2.5 times more likely to report having longstanding illness or disability and are roughly twice as likely to report several symptoms of depression. Source: NRDC 2010
Government Response ‘The Importance of Teaching’ Nov 2010 DfE ‘Floor Standards’ to Rise from 35% to 40% by 2012 and to 50% A*-C inc E & M by 2015 The New Teachers’ Standards 2012 New 2012 Ofsted Inspection Framework Ofsted: Made to Measure Report
Ofsted’s focus on maths will place greater emphasis in school inspection on: considering how effectively schools tackle inconsistency in the quality of mathematics teaching evaluating how well teaching fosters understanding monitoring pupils’ skills in solving problems challenging extensive use of early and repeated entry to GCSE examinations Mathematics: made to measure, May 2012, No
School Response Headteachers’ and senior leaders’ accountability raised to provide effective provision for maths across the school. They should: Appoint a coordinator with a clear role and status MAC to have an equally high profile to literacy Use staff working groups/expertise Develop whole school policies and a specific MAC action plan Encourage MAC leads in appropriate subjects Consider highest quality IAG on the impact of continuing maths Post 16 Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of actions and provision
1051 pupils Inner city issues Attendance 94% poor literacy on entry 5 A*-C 90% (CVA 1058) 5 A*-C inc Eng & Ma 43%
Maths department agreed key areas & teaching approaches Whole School Maths training of MAC – A series of power points for selected topics – Working with staff during twilight sessions in the first instance – They select at least 3 sessions to attend- depending on the topics being delivered Easy quick wins Working with primary schools Positive teaching experiences, Maths trips Whole school cross curricular projects based on functional maths Monitoring & Evaluation: MAC Learning Walks
A Possible Model Review the maths department Review of the pupils Review of key departments Review of all departments Review of all stakeholders
Strategic plan HOD & TLR post holder with a responsibility for MAC Agree consistent teaching approaches of key topics with maths department Whole School 1.5 hr training- introduction Designed a MAC booklet to complement the review of MAC
Working with selected departments to enhance their SoW 2 way process- what the maths department can learn from other subjects Supporting individual staff needs Next Steps… Raising the profile of Maths throughout the school MAC Pupil Voice Monitoring & Evaluation- MAC prompts
Further Reading A world class mathematics education for all our young people. Vorderman Aug 2011 Early Entries to GCSE examinations DfE 2011 Solving the maths problem: international perspectives on mathematics education. RSA Feb 2012 Mathematics: understanding the score, Ofsted, 2008 Mathematics: understanding the score Finnish Pupils success in mathematics, Ofsted, 2010 Finnish Pupils success in mathematics Trends in international mathematics and science study (TIMSS) Trends in international mathematics and science study Mathematics: Made to Measure, OFSTED, May 2012
Further Reading Mathematics Matters: Final Report. NCETM Malcolm Swan; Mathematics Matters: Final Report Numeracy Counts: NIACE April 2011Counts Tackling the challenge of low numeracy skills in young people and adults : Ofsted April 2011 Tackling the challenge of low numeracy skills in young people and adults Moving on in Maths: Narrowing the Gaps 2009 Getting back on track : pupils who make slow progress in English, mathematics and science in Key Stage 3 : DFE 2007 Getting back on track : pupils who make slow progress in English, mathematics and science in Key Stage 3