Competitive Analysis Schools of Dental Medicine: Intranets Web Sites
Virtual Dental Center Site Focus: Virtual Repository for all dental information Noteworthy Fairly exhaustive listing of Dental/Medical journals One-stop for links pertaining to Dental information Negatives Too much information available in one spot Disorganized - one endless page of links Busy navigation design, inconsistent from page to page
Temple University School of Dental Medicine Site Focus: Faculty, Staff, and Students Noteworthy Presentation is clear and straightforward. Easy to use for novices and power users alike. Wide range of audiences are addressed. Negatives Home page is not customized to each audience. The variety of page styles is somewhat confusing.
University of Minnesota Site Focus: Protected Information Noteworthy Immediate top-level role organization Negatives Busy layout and design Mostly a hub for static information
University of Glasgow Dental Hospital and School Site Focus: Static resource distribution Noteworthy Immediate top-level role organization Provides “Online Learning” School-based look and feel Link to Pitt SDM Negatives Appears to be one big bookmark site
University of Michigan Dental School Site Focus: Prospective Students/Patients/Dentists Noteworthy Good information architecture Consistent style Visually pleasing Information for broad audience Negatives Hidden lower architecture – user needs to click on the page to find sub pages