Delia, Lawrence, Jake, Will, Ashley, Rachel pH Monitoring
pH Numbers pH stands for “power of hydrogen” and is a measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution. It ranges from 0 to 14. The lower the pH number (acidic) the higher the concentration of hydrogen ions.
Acids vs. Bases -Acids have pH values less than 7 -Bases have pH values more than 7 -Neutral substances have a pH value of exactly 7
pH Paper vs. pH meter -Litmus paper gives an approx. idea how acidic or basic the substance is -The strength or concentration of an acid or base determines the electrical conductivity of the water, and can be measured with a meter.
Indicators Litmus turns red in an acid, and blue in an alkali (base). Hydrangeas and red cabbage are also natural indicators. Pure water is neutral!
Why monitor pH? -To ensure the water quality is suitable for drinking, living in, swimming in or associating with. -To protect the environment/monitor conditions.