“They Go Together!” 1 Timothy 6:3-10
Cartoonist H.T. Webster amused himself by sending telegrams to twenty of his friends whom he selected at random…
Prof. Irwin Edman of Columbia University Tells of the time he once had a chat with a French monk. The monk bemoaned the fact that his order of priests was not as famous as the Jesuits…
Purpose: to better understand how false teaching and pride go hand in glove
IThe CONDITIONS of Pride (6:3) A.Pride Always Leads to Error
Galatians 1:10 “For am I now seeking the favor of men, or of God? Or am I striving to please men? If I were still trying to please me, I would not be a bond servant of Christ.”
Pride is the equivalent of the desire for man’s approval over God’s…
IThe CONDITIONS of Pride (6:3) A.Pride Always Leads to Error B.Pride Always Rejects Truth
Pride always prevents acceptance and application of TRUTH…
Pride always leads to error… and always leads to rejecting the TRUTH!
IIThe CHARACTERISTICS of Pride (6:4-5) A.Conceited Ignorance
The conceited really don’t understand just how ignorant they really are…!
2 Timothy 3:7 “…always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.”
IIThe CHARACTERISTICS of Pride (6:4-5) A.Conceited Ignorance B.Spiritual Illness
Since pride leads false teachers to reject a diet of sound words they succumb to 2 sinful actions… which results in morbid, sickliness…
IIThe CHARACTERISTICS of Pride (6:4-5) A.Conceited Ignorance B.Spiritual Illness C.Personal Conflicts
Proud teachers look upon others as a threat… and reacts… five of these are given…
IIThe CHARACTERISTICS of Pride (6:4-5) A.Conceited Ignorance B.Spiritual Illness C.Personal Conflicts D.Perverted Minds E.Materialistically Motivated
These five characteristics of pride are diametrically opposed to the calling and cause of Christ…
IIThe CAUSE of Pride (6:6-10)
Proverbs 29:23 “A man’s pride shall bring him low.”
IIThe CAUSE of Pride (6:6-10) A.Ignorance of Contentment (6:6-8)
Real success is spiritual/inward NOT material/outward…
Luke 12:15 “…be on guard for even when one has an abundance does his life consist of his possessions?”
IIThe CAUSE of Pride (6:6-10) A.Ignorance of Contentment (6:6-8) B.Love of Money (6:9-10
Money is not evil… It is morally neutral… It is either a curse or a blessing depending on the motivation behind it…
This is what the world says!... If history teaches us one thing, it teaches that joy and contentment comes ONLY when life is centered in God!
… The water supply was used up and all three realized they would have to move…
...Upon seeing the sight, the farmer exclaimed, “Isn’t the clever. I wonder whose idea that was!”…
Conclusion and Summary: Wherever false teaching is, there will be pride. Wherever pride is there will be false teaching. Remember – they go together!