Horticulture II Plant ID Trees
Acer platanoides CN: Norway Maple Large deciduous tree 40-60’ Leaves: opposite, 5-lobed, 4-7” – dark green – yellow in fall Flowers: small, yellow-green – green-maroon buds Fruit: Samara Milky sap
Coruns kousa CN: Chinese Dogwood Small, deciduous Flower: white, pointed – 4 bracts Fruit: red, pendant-like Leaves: dark green, elliptical – reddish-purple in fall
Ginkgo biloba CN: Ginkgo Large, deciduous tree Leaves: bright green, alternate – fan shaped Flowers: not ornamental; may not flower until 20 years Fruit: on female tree only; naked seed Fall: yellow leaves; drop quickly
Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis CN: Thornless Honeylocust Medium, deciduous tree Leaves: green, alternate, pinnately compound – glossy – copper or yellow in fall Blooms: greenish-yellow in spring – fragrant Fruit: brown or purple – flat pods
Magnolia X soulangiana cv. CN: Saucer Magnolia Small deciduous tree Leaves: simple, ovate Flower: “saucer and cup” shaped, 5-10” – interior = white exterior = pink – purple Fruit: red berry-like structure
Picea abies CN: Norway Spruce Evergreen, pyramidal Pendulous branchlets Leaves: needles, stiff Cones: ends of branches – long, narrow – pendulous
Platanus X acerifolia CN: London Plane Tree Large, deciduous Bark: brown, exfoliates to cream underneath Leaves: dark green – 3-5 lobed – coarse margin teeth Fruit: fuzzy, long stalked ball
Quercus falcata CN: Southern Red Oak Large, deciduous Leaves: dark green – bristle tipped lobes – long hooked lobe & 2 shorter lobes on sides “turkey foot” Flowers: yellow-green catkins Acorns
Quercus nigra CN: Water Oak Medium, deciduous Leaves: 2-4”, lobe number varies – rounded, entire, to 3 lobed Small acorns Flower: brown catkins
Tsuga Canadensis CN: Canadian Hemlock Evergreen, pyramidal –soft, pendulous branches Leaves: fine needles, flat – clustered in pairs – spirally arranged – dark green, 2 whitish band on underside Cones: small, round
Zelkova serrata CN: Zelkova Medium, deciduous – short trunk Leaves: alternate, elliptical – pointed tip, dark green Fruit: small drupe Bark: gray, exfoliates to orange inner bark