Reading- Writing Connection in the Classroom
Reading and writing must be integrated into the curriculum because of their deep connection. Meaning must be the impetus in the development of the reading and writing process (Wilson, 1981).
The development of reading and writing depends on the use of reading and writing skills throughout everyday situations. The classroom-learning integrates of reading and writing Literature should provide experiences that can be explored through reading and writing.
Teachers need to: make efficient use of the instructional time connecting reading and writing to understand the connection of reading and writing so that instruction reflects the developmental nature of the reading-writing connection Rather than teach separate reading and writing skills integrate new concepts through reading and writing activities to develop thinking and language skills. Learning to read and write become intertwined in natural language activities. Spend less time on workbooks and worksheet and more time on providing varied reading and writing experiences
have continuous opportunities to read and write meaningful text, experience direct teaching of reading and writing see modelling of the reading and writing process encounter rich literacy experiences so that they can read and write in various situations for a variety of reasons read on a critical level: This is vital to reading and writing Students need to
Reading various types of literature enables students to write better and read with an understanding of the author's intent. Reading and writing used together enables powerful exploration of a topic in literature: construct meaning appreciate the author's style motivate
Develop a relationship with the author through both reading and writing Read to gain insight for writing in different genres to develop style and form in writing. Learn how to write poetry by reading poems and discussing them in terms of structure and author's purpose (Can't be learned in a textbook.)
Experience reading as writers: internalizing the quality and structure of good writing. Analyze the text and use the author's style into their own writing. Synthesize ideas and characters from books and incorporate these ideas into their own Use texts that a student can visualize himself/herself writing This leads to being able to analyze and discuss one’s writing