East of England Regional Network Event University of Hertfordshire ‘Developing your Career’ 21 st May #heatedRNE
9.30amWelcome and Introductions Helen Charlwood & Jenny Harman, HEaTED East of England Regional Network Coordinators 10.15am‘Your career is in your hands’ Owning your career – a career development framework 11.30amBreak 11.45amProfessional Registration for all Science, Technology and Creative Arts Technical Staff Ali Orr, Science Council Philippa Nobbs, #heatedRNE Event Programme
12.45pmLunch and Networking 1.30pmProfessional registration and career development - what’s in it for me? Developing personal action plans. 2.00pmProfessional registration and career development - what’s in it for the students and institution? Prof. Graham Galbraith, Deputy Vice Chancellor, University of Hertfordshire 2.30pmHEaTED Update: How can HEaTED support my career development? Dr Katherine Forsey, HEaTED Event #heatedRNE
3.00pm Summary and thinking ahead Ideas for topics for future events Evaluation form completion 3.30pmLab Tour A chance to view examples of the technical facilities available for use by University of Hertfordshire students Departure Event #heatedRNE
HEaTED Update 1. How can HEaTED support your development? 2. Some stats and current activity 3. The coming months 4. Over to you….. Dr Katherine Forsey HEaTED Course & Regional Networks #heatedRNE
Working to be the lead organisation supporting professional development of the technical workforce
HEaTED Networks All UK regions Meet at least twice a year Workshops, discussions, tours, presentations & more! Event reports and follow-up discussions Online Groups support the networks You set the agenda! How can HEaTED support your #heatedRNE
HEaTED Online #heatedRNE
Training and Development Standard course listings On demand / in house courses in your Institution Bespoke sessions New courses as suggested by members Support YOU in delivering training How can HEaTED support your #heatedRNE
Course Brochures (pdf links on courses #heatedRNE
Access through Members Dashboard Assertiveness Dealing with Difficult Behaviour Delegating Effective Change Goal Setting Managing Conduct Managing Teams Managing People Managing Mentoring Essentials Managing Projects Resolving Conflict Pansophix Useful Guide Library
General Stats 64 active Member Institutions (see Join Us page)Join Us 2586 individual members signed up from those HEIs (Register as a technician FREE)Register as a technician training days booked for 400 individuals since 1 st Sept 2012 Delivering on-demand courses at 20+ member HEIs HEaTED Conference, January 2013, 100+ #heatedRNE
General Stats 560 attendees at Regional Network Events across the UK since 1 st Sept 2012 The next series of Events are taking place in all regions between Feb and July 2013 Online Groups: your online forum 570 members signed up Have you registered for free #heatedRNE
Performance for All HEaTED are working closely with Performance for AllPerformance for All Project run by Universities to develop an online performance enhancement tool and development framework HEaTED are ensuring that technical staff are represented in the frameworks being offered via this innovative new tool Contact: Christian CarterChristian #heatedRNE
National Network for Arts Technicians Launched this Term – see news page for full detailsnews page Survey currently open to members Network Coordinator, Steve Carroll, appointed. Contact Recruiting second #heatedRNE
Members’ Photo Competition We would like to find out more about what you do at work. Send us your best photos. It might be a picture of a Technician working with equipment or engaging with students in a lab, studio or workshop. Or something completely different but relevant to HEaTED! Winning photos will be used in future HEaTED Updates and maybe even on the front cover. The overall winner will also receive £250 in Amazon vouchers! To enter send your high res. images to Closing date 1 st August 2013 See for terms and #heatedRNE
The coming months… Expand membership to Science Parks and FE Colleges, pilot started April 2013 Continuing support for Science Council, Engineering Council, and associated awarding bodies in promoting and supporting Professional #heatedRNE
Supporting Professional Registration
Think of HEaTED as a vehicle! All HEaTED courses are linked to competencies for Professional Registration – make every CPD instance count! Regional Network Events and contribution to the Online Groups demonstrate your commitment to professional development and contribution to the Technical Community The HEaTED website will signpost routes to Professional RegistrationProfessional Registration HEaTED’s quick guide should help Supporting Professional Registration
The coming months… Working with member HEIs to work out action plans ensuring we deliver value for money and benefits to all technical staff Expand course provision based on member requirements and delivery of on-demand courses This will be our focus for the next 10 #heatedRNE
Over to you..… What are your training needs?
Teaching & Learning Skills for Technical StaffTeaching & Learning Skills for Technical Staff HC0001 Pilot courses at University of Hertfordshire – Sept 2012 Now rolled out and fully booked at venues nationwide New Leadership and Management Skills for Technical Staff course in development - pilot course Summer 2013 Working to bring HEaTED courses to your region Browse our full Course Directory Example on-demand (UK Wide) courses Servicing and Maintaining Routine Optical Microscopes HA0702Servicing and Maintaining Routine Optical Microscopes Use and Maintenance of Pipettors HC0002Use and Maintenance of Pipettors Safe Use of Laboratory Gasses HA1111Safe Use of Laboratory Gasses
Basic maintenance/repair of electrical equipment HA0701Basic maintenance/repair of electrical equipment Laboratory & Cryogenic Gases Safety Training - tailor made to suit your requirements GS0001Laboratory & Cryogenic Gases Safety Training Safe Lifting and Slinging Procedures HA1110Safe Lifting and Slinging Procedures Abrasive Wheels OT0001Abrasive Wheels Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Air or Road Certification HA1113, HA1114, HA1115, PE0003AirRoad PAT Training HA1105PAT Training Example on-demand UK wide courses… Browse our full Course Directory
Course Brochures (pdf links on courses #heatedRNE
Activity: PINK.Fixed location courses. Use the course brochures to identify courses that meet your training needs. NOTE DOWN THE COURSE CODE & TITLE BLUE.UK wide, on-demand courses you would like to see running in your Region. NOTE DOWN THE COURSE CODE & TITLE GREEN.New course suggestions. Can’t find it? Request it! e.g. wood bending and steaming; laser cutting, spill response, glass blowing! YELLOW.What courses could you deliver through HEaTED? Train the Technical TrainerTrain the Technical Trainer can equip you Include YOUR #heatedRNE
How you can get more involved……
Calls to action… Update your profile on the new website Register and post in your Regional Online Group Help to spread the word in your HEI – posters, info, event report follow up Tell us what training you need Run your own course through HEaTED #heatedRNE
Your next Regional Network Event
1.Topics for discussion? 2.Products of the event? 3.Venue? HEaTED take care of…… -Catering cost -Agenda -Delegate #heatedRNE
Contact us Helen Charlwood and Jenny Harman HEaTED East of England Regional Network Coordinators HEaTED Central Team E: T:
RSciTech What is it all about? Responding to the call that technicians want to be more Professional Technical staff owning their own professionalisation Not saying “we are”, proving WE ARE! Demonstrates proven knowledge, expertise, commitment Evidence-based award Overseen by Science / Engineering Councils Awarded by Licensed Bodies (e.g. Society of Biology) Categories: RSciTech, RSci, CSci; EngTech, ICTTech, REng, CEng
Why should we get involved? Recognition as a Professional Improves self motivation, possible career opportunities Greater influence within your organisation and beyond Prove your competence internationally Cross-sector recognition Keeping ahead of the competition
Wide range of Awarding Bodies Choose the one specific to your requirements / specialism More information on HEaTED’s Professional Registration pages and via the Science and Engineering Council Who to register through?