Romantic Poets
William Wordsworth Born in the Lake District (near Scottish border) Natural beauty of this area inspired his poetry
Childhood / Youth Mother died when he was 8 – sent away to school Father died when he was 13 Spent his time wandering the countryside
University Went to Cambridge In the summer of his third year, he went on a walking tour of France – admired the French revolution
After Graduation Returned to France – fell in love with Annette Vallon – had to return to England when England declared war on France – was separated from Annette – caused despair
Returns to England Moved in with sister Dorothy – could live off his writing Became friends with Coleridge
The Poet Coleridge helped Wordsworth escape his depression Collaborated on The Lyrical Ballads
The Good and the Bad Given his inheritance Moved with Dorothy to Lake District Married Mary Hutchinson Friendship with Coleridge disintegrated Brother died at sea Two of his children died
Poet Laureate Became the poet laureate of England at 73
Two main poetic ideals 1) Growth: the growth of the poet’s mind and moral character from earliest childhood to adult maturity 2) Memory: our memories give life and beauty to our artistic endeavors Some aspect of the poet’s present experience triggers his recollection of a deeply meaningful experience in the past
My Heart Leaps Up
The Natural World Response to the natural world is a source of human happiness and fulfillment How nature affects, guides, and nourishes the human mind
Samuel Taylor Coleridge Born in Devonshire Son of clergyman Youngest of 14 children
School Life Sent to London when his father died (boarding school) Brilliant student Went to Cambridge
Follies of Youth Quit Cambridge (fell into debt) Joined the army (Silas Tomkyn Comberbacke) Miserable soldier Returned to Cambridge – never achieved a degree
Pantisocracy “equal rule by all” • Planned a utopian society in America with Robert Southey • plan never comes to fruition • marries Sara Fricker
Collaboration Meets Wordsworth – work together on the Lyrical Ballads “Ancient Mariner” is the opening poem Moves to the Lake District with his wife – they are slowly becoming estranged
His Downfall Falls in love with Sara Hutchinson (Mary’s sister) – she does not return his love Falls into depression – starts taking Opium Becomes addicted – almost to the point of total collapse Quarrels with Wordsworth
Later life Becomes a public lecturer in London Writes for newspapers and magazines Gets treatment for his addiction He and Wordsworth find peace – travel together Dies at 52
Lord George Gordon Byron Descended from 2 aristocratic, but violent, undisciplined families Born in London Father was a sea captain – died when Byron was 3 Mother was Scottish
Physical handicap Born with a club foot Wore corrective shoes Was very proud of his athletic ability – he was an excellent swimmer
Title Became Lord Byron when he was 10 Sent to Harrow (private school) then to Cambridge Spent money extravagantly (bought horses, a pet bear)
His writing First book of poetry was not well-received Wrote a travel narrative (travelled to Spain, Portuagal, Albania, Greece, Asia Minor) called Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage – this was very successful Wrote “Don Juan” – the story of a young man, who through no fault of his own, ends up on a harrowing journey
The Byronic Hero A passionate, moody, restless character who has exhausted the world’s excitements, and who lives under the weight of some mysterious sin committed in the past He is an “outsider” whose daring life makes him isolated and attractive (many thought this described Byron himself)
Social Outcast Married Annabella Milbanke – marriage only last a year Was ostracized so he left England and went to Italy Friends with Shelley (they shared a love of poetry, women, and boats) Moved to Pisa
National Hero of Greece He went to Greece when Shelley died Helped to finance the Greek Revolution Caught a fever, and died at the age of 36
John Keats
Early Life Father died when he was eight (owned a stable in London) Mother died when he was 14 of tuberculosis
Education Attended a private school When his mother died, his guardian made him the apprentice to an a surgeon and apothecary Studied medicine at Guy’s Hospital in London
Career Decided to devote his life to poetry His first poems were not well received
Struggles His younger brother needed financial help One of his brothers contracted TB – he nursed him until his death
Love Life
His illness and death Contracted TB Went to Italy – good weather / climate was thought to be helpful to lung disorders Died in Rome at 25