Colossians 4:2-6 GOSPEL... Paul's Prayer
"All over the world the Gospel is bearing fruit." (Col 1:6) What is needed to continue to bear fruit?
Devoted to prayer. (v2) Watchful and thankful.
Pray for us. (v3) What is NOT mentioned is as instructive as what Paul asked for.
Proclaim the mystery of Christ... for which I am in chains. (v3) Prayer for a challenging dichotomy.
Be wise in how you act with outsiders. (v5) You will be the only Bible that most of your friends will ever read.
Conversations full of grace. (v6) Follow Jesus' example – He was good but not always nice.
Seasoned with salt. (v6) Salt was expensive and precious due to its preserving qualities.
Know how to answer. (v6) Knowing how to answer is not having clever responses. GOSPEL... Paul's Prayer Karl Faase