Jeopardy Review! Chapter 7
$200 $400 $500 $1000 $100 $200 $400 $500 $1000 $100 $200 $400 $500 $1000 $100 $200 $400 $500 $1000 $100 $200 $400 $500 $1000 $100PenanceAnointing of the SickHolyOrdersMatrimonyChapters1-2Review
The prayer through by which a priest, by the power given to the Church by Christ Jesus, pardons a repentant sinner in the sacrament of Penance.
What is absolution?
As the sacrament of ?, penance seriously takes Jesus’ call to repent, the first step in returning to our loving Father.
What is conversion?
As a sacrament of ?, penance reminds us that God imparts pardon and peace through the priest’s words of absolution.
What is forgiveness?
An inclination to commit sin that can be found in human desires and appetites as a result of original sin.
What is concupiscence?
The essential elements of Penance.
What are the acts of the penitent (contrition, confession of sin and satisfaction) and the prayer of absolution by the priest.
“Last anointing” before death.
What is extreme unction?
“Food for the journey”, the reception of a final Eucharist.
What is viaticum?
People who administer the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick.
Who are bishops and priests?
The essential elements of Anointing of the Sick.
What are: -laying on of hands; -prayer; and -anointing of forehead and hands with oil.
This letter, found in the New Testament, shows the sacramental roots of the Anointing of the Sick.
What is James?
Ordained ministers who assist bishops and priests in the celebration of the liturgy, distribute communion, witness and bless marriages, proclaim and preach the Gospel, celebrate funerals, and perform various ministries of Christian charity, all under the authority of their bishop.
Who are deacons?
Those who belong to the common priesthood.
Who are all baptized members of the Catholic faith?
With God’s Chosen People, Yahweh chose this tribe to serve the nation at liturgical services.
What is Levi?
Sacramental ordination consecrates certain baptized men to one of three degrees.
What are -diaconate; -presbyterate; and -episcopacy?
Essential sign of Holy Orders.
What are the Bishop’s laying on of hands and the prayer of consecration?
The source of all marriage covenants.
Who is God?
An official Church declaration that what appeared to be a Christian marriage never existed in the first place.
What is an annulment?
Ministers of the sacrament of Matrimony.
Who are the bride and bridegroom?
Two outcomes of sexual sharing in marriage.
What are unitive and procreative?
The essential sign of Matrimony.
What is the exchange of vows?
The open-ended contract of love between God and human beings.
What is covenant?
The Christ-appointed teaching authority, which extends to the pope and bishops.
Who is the Magisterium?
The most important event in salvation history.
What is the Resurrection of Jesus?
The two distinct natures found in the one person of Christ.
What are the divine and human?
Jesus’ arrival in glory at His Second Coming.
What is the Parousia?
Final Jeopardy Answer Three traditional acts that express conversion.
What are prayer, fasting and almsgiving?