Senior Night 9/22/2015
Contact Info Ashlee P. Smith Junior/Senior Counselor Office/
Transcripts/Exit Document Types of Diplomas Alabama High School Diploma…24 credits Alabama High School Diploma Satsuma Board Honors…28 credits/3.0 GPA (Pre-Cal) Beginning 2013, Alabama High School Diploma Career Pathway Diploma…24 credits GPA-weighted vs. un-weighted Un-weighted GPA assigns four points to every A grade, three points to B, etc. whereas a weighted GPA (AP classes) assigns five points to every A grade, four points to B, etc. Transcripts Students will need to complete a Trancript Request form that is available in the front office. Complete the transcript request form, give to Mrs. DuBourg, the registrar. The cost is $1.00.
Grading System One-Half of the Carnegie Unit will be awarded mid-year and the other half will be awarded in end of year. Students must earn both halves for all classes.
ACT (American College Test) SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) ACT/SAT – apply online Pick up information or go to website Go to website for test dates CEEB (College Entrance Examination Board) Code Satsuma High School Check to see if you need to take the ACT with writing for your college of choice admissions If your child receives free or reduced lunch, they can see me for a fee waiver. Can take the test free one time List as many schools allowable when you register to take the ACT
College Applications When to apply for college…..NOW!! How to apply… Online Paper Application Common Application What to know…deadlines, admission requirements
Scholarships College/University Scholarships/Some scholarships are automatic – Some schools require “scholarship” applications in addition to regular applications Based on Merit: ACT or SAT score Leadership Departmental Nominations Community Scholarships-more common in the Spring Military Scholarships Athletic Scholarships -NCAA Eligibility-Follow this link to SHS Athletic Handbook handbook% %20(for%20student%20&%20parents).pdf handbook% %20(for%20student%20&%20parents).pdf
How can students & parents get more information on scholarships? College recruiters College visits
Financial Aid Completing the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) The FAFSA can be completed using this year’s (2015) tax information and updated in All college students are expected to contribute towards their education costs. How much you and your family will be expected to contribute depends on your financial situation — and is what’s called your Expected Family Contribution (EFC). The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is the form the U.S. Department of Education (ED) requires to determine your Expected Family Contribution (EFC). The government conducts a “need analysis” based on financial information, such as income, assets, and other family information, which you (and your parents if you are a dependent student) will be asked to provide. Pay attention to the deadlines! There are federal and state deadlines, and your colleges may also have a deadline.
Recommendation Letters Teachers Community Members Counselors -All students seeking college entrance should develop a resume Recommendation Forms-Students’ responsibility to download and provide
Scholarship Letters We wish to recognize all seniors who have been offered scholarships from organizations or colleges. In order to do this we need your child to provide a copy of any scholarship and/or award letters they ACCEPTED or DID NOT ACCEPT
Senior Trip Grad Bash 2016/Graduates on Tour April 13 th 11:00 PM) 14 th, 15 th, 16 th, and return on the 17 th Caribbean Beach Resort/Disney World/Busch Gardens Cost $ Bus w/ 48 students is $ Total=$ $100 non-refundable deposit due by Oct. 15 th The first 48 to pay their deposit will be eligible to go on the trip YETI fundraiser Students must be eligible to graduate in May 2015, no negative discipline, and good school attendance
Expenditures College applications can cost $35.00-$50.00 and up to $75.00 each Senior Fees (SHS) $65.00 Grad Bash Trip $ Cap and Gown Rental is $85.00 Balfour Announcements and Accessories Senior t-shirts and sweats Appropriate dress for Honors’ Day and Graduation
College and Career Day This year we will be attending College and Career Day at Faulkner Community College. The date is October 29 th. We will depart school around 9:15 and return at approximately 1:45. All seniors are encouraged to attend. The cost is FREE. Students will meet with college and career recruiters from 10:00 to 11:00. Move to Faulkner’s auditorium where the choir, cheerleaders, etc. will perform. Lunch provided.
College Recruiter Visits University of Alabama is scheduled for Sept. 30 th during Gator Period. College Recruiter Visits: Bishop State Community Collee Faulkner Community College University of South Alabama University of Southern Mississippi Troy University Auburn University Spring Hill Mobile College
More INFO Most college applications are due by December 1 Most scholarship applications are due by December 1 Merit Based Scholarships: Based on a student’s academics, athletics, or artistry Parents and students need to research colleges to find out their admission requirements as well as search for scholarships College Visit Form
Staying In The Loop Satsuma High School’s Facebook page Remind to to Announcements
Handouts Senior Calendar Senior Contract-Initials and/or signature required Senior Contract/Property Abuse, Defacement, or Destruction-Please sign Mrs. Miller/Senior Project