PHASE 1 – PREPARE TO PLAN (PLANNING TEAM) Create website (private/public) Review Y’s mission and focus areas – youth, health, community ID constituencies – who cares about the Y? Who are existing and potential partners? Document internal strengths & weaknesses, external opportunities & threats Select a planning timeframe (five years) Develop themes/areas of discussion, starting with focus areas.
PHASE 2 – DISCUSSION/COLLABORATION (Y COMMUNITY) Facilitate planning meetings with constituencies Small, targeted, planned discussions with staff, members, schools, health care, businesses, donors, government, community orgs, other Ys, etc. Research in advance, come prepared. Get these groups to share their plans wherever possible. Document discussions There will likely be more than one round of conversations – people take time to think and process.
PHASE 3 – ANALYZE FINDINGS (PLANNING TEAM) Review feedback, analyze findings ID repeated themes, new ideas, opportunities, concerns Compare with initial planning – what’s different? Organize and document Report back (collectively) to constituencies and the Board
PHASE 4 – DEVELOP THE PLAN (PLANNING TEAM, BOARD, STAFF) Develop 3-5 key strategies These should guide large initiatives, philanthropy, and risk management Evaluate strategies against the opportunities and risks identified in Phase 1 and reviewed in Phase 3 Vet strategies with stakeholders Exact process TBD - will depend somewhat on findings and strategies Revise and publish
Q4 2011Q1 2012Q TIMELINE (PROPOSED) 1: Prepare2: Meet3: Analyze4: Plan Checkpoints