Objectives Day 3 Learn simple, yet very effective short treatments for: Anxiety, energy, pain, muscle spasm, etc. Get used to the needles. Make proper treatment plans to treat common problems. Use the plans to treat the patient.
Anxiety Technique Simple, yet effective. Use for acute anxiety or even chronic. Please use variant for elderly or debilitated patients.
Anxiety Protocol GV20 HT3 LR3
HT3 LR3 GV20
Note On the original protocol you leave all needles to dispersion. On a first modification: Use GV20 to GV24.5: Use 2 Hz. AGAIN: NOT FOR WEAK PATIENTS.
Variation Add: MH7, LR2, HT7 Even stronger input. Add: KI3 to KI10 at 2Hz: In order to STOP depleting the patient.
HT3 LR3 MH7 HT7 LR2 GV20
4 GATES LR3 and LI4 Bilaterally Use: - This combination often is used to promote general qi circulation and relaxation and often is used as part of a larger acupuncture point prescription.
Good Starting point. Good Quick and dirty. Use a lot for headaches with LOCALS.
4 Gates for Headaches Regular protocol: Add: GV Hz Add: Tai Yang Point