My audience will be excited to learn the basics of what a network systems & data communications analyst does.
The average value of the Bachelor degree needed to become a Network systems and data communications analysts is $1,509,171.00
A network systems and data communications analyst could……
Connect the computers in different buildings of a school to create a local area network.
Determine how many new communication lines a police station needs to provide help during a natural disaster.
Set up a wireless hub so that cafe patrons can check their over a cup of coffee.
Learn more Learn more how network systems and data communications analysts help companies share information in their networks.
Computers are everywhere Used for a variety of jobs Simple as connection between two rooms to complex as a connection between states
Employment in this career is expected to grow faster than average. Almost 200,000 jobs will be added to the economy in this field by Job prospects in this specialized computer career are expected to be excellent. Entry into this career can be accomplished from many starting points with varying levels of education and training, but, at the very least, computer skills are required.
Bachelor’s degree MBA degree Basic computer skills required Certifications in computer efficiency
Must be able to reason Think critically Enjoy developing original solutions to problems Communication Multi-task attention to details team player Willing to continue to learn
Maintain needed files Monitor system performance and provide security measures Assist users in troubleshooting Set up user accounts Design and implement systems Maintain the peripherals Identify areas of operation that need upgraded Train users on equipment Develop procedures Adapt and modify existing software Work with other in the field Test and evaluate hardware and software Read technical manuals and brochures Consult with customers Visit vendors Attend training seminars
Usually an office setting Laboratory hour work weeks May be on call Possible telecommuting
Read this story about the tasks of a Senior Network AnalystSenior Network Analyst Watch this video of how an IT employee helps to keep the company up and running
No major injuries Not extreme physically May result in some stress injuries
expected to grow by 53% in the next decade 30% increase overall for computer-related jobs Approximately a quarter-million jobs to be created
Database administrators Network and computer systems administrators Computer software engineers Computer programmers Computer support specialists Computer systems analysts Information systems managers Computer scientists
Hewlett Packard U.S. Federal Government Verizon Business Insurance Companies Many More
Education Job Outlook Possible Earnings Work Environment