Thursday, 26th of February 2004, Scandic Hotel Mölndal 08:30- 09:45Welcome and opening Lars Ekberg, Head of Economic Development Office, City of Mölndal Introduction to program, approval of agenda Eva Fabry, VISP Project Leader: VISP Project organizational issues - Appointment of Steering Committee - GOL & Co-operation agreements - Reporting procedures & coordination - Project Publicity 09:45-10:00Coffee break 10:00-10:50VISP Project economy, financial reporting and auditing Anna Lundin Berg, VISP project Financial Director 10:50-12:50Presentation of WP 2 Integrated Spatial Planning, Robert Baveld, Gemeente Enschede, Marius de Mol, Activa, Frank Siebelt, Enschedel Local Project Dolphia 12:50-14:00Lunch
Thursday, 26th of February :00-15:30The VISP operational budget, overall, local and WP Eva Fabry VISP Project leader 15:30-15:45Coffee break 15:45-16:30Presentation of WP 3 Lifelong Learning Bo Göran Dahlberg, Adult Education Centre, City of Mölndal 16:30-17:15Presentation of WP 4 Transnational networking Frans Van Den Bosche, City of Kortrijk 17:15-18:00 Presentation of WP 5 Increased Citizens Involvement Prof. Walter Leal Filho, TuTech, Carl-Henning von Ladiges, Hamburg- Harburg, Tina Schmidt-Nausch, TuTech 19:00Informal dinner at Scandic Hotel Mölndal
Friday, 27th of February 2004 Mölndal City Hall 08:30-08:45Welcome Bengt Odlöw, Lord Mayor, City of Mölndal 08:45-09:30Short summary of the 1 st day Presentation of WP 7 Evaluation Gordon E. Dabinett, Sheffield University 09:30-10:15Presentation of WP 6 Dissemination & Agreement on project logo and website domainadress Harald Kollström and Mia Brambani, City of Drammen 10:15-10:30Coffee break 10:30-10:45Presentation of Partner No 6 Matlock Margaret Wagstaff, Townclerk, Matlock 10:30-11:30WP 1 Project management Eva Fabry VISP Project Leader 11:45 – 13:00Official lunch of the City of Mölndal
Friday, 27th of February :00 -15:00WP meetings 13:00 –13:15Short Steering Committee meeting after which members joint the WP meetings 15-15:20Summary of the WP rapporteurs 15:20Summary of the Kickoff-meeting 15:30Closing of the meeting