M.A.B.A.S. Dispatchers Conference 2011 BASIC MABAS
Your Instructors Tammy KlevenoTammy Kleveno William NeumannWilliam Neumann Jamie FleisnerJamie Fleisner
Goals and Objectives Define M.A.B.A.SDefine M.A.B.A.S How did we get here and where are we now?How did we get here and where are we now? Box Card AnatomyBox Card Anatomy Dispatching a Box AlarmDispatching a Box Alarm Types of Box AlarmsTypes of Box Alarms Taking a PassTaking a Pass Box Alarm Audio & SimulatorBox Alarm Audio & Simulator QuestionsQuestions
What is MABAS? Mutual Aid Box Alarm System Organized predetermined response to a emergency that has or has the potential to go beyond the resource capability of the stricken department
How did we get here? After the Great Chicago Fire of 1871 the Chicago Fire Department divided into 18 Battalion DistrictsAfter the Great Chicago Fire of 1871 the Chicago Fire Department divided into 18 Battalion Districts Companies relocated to provide coverage when call volumes were higherCompanies relocated to provide coverage when call volumes were higher In 1968 Elk Grove Village modified Chicago’s box alarm system for Northwest suburban useIn 1968 Elk Grove Village modified Chicago’s box alarm system for Northwest suburban use
Where are we now? MABAS consists of 1000 of Illinois’ 1200 Fire Departments organized within 68 MABAS Divisions 30,000 of Illinois’ 35,000 fire fighters are members 134 Dispatch Centers Expanded to Wisconsin, Missouri Iowa, Indiana and Kentucky
Where are we now? 80/20 Rule:80/20 Rule: Departments are still required to maintain capability to respond to routine emergencies on their community Departments should leave 80% of their equipment in their normal response area Departments should only commit 20% of their resources to any given MABAS request
Box Card Individually set up by each department Can be set up for structure fire, tenders, brush truck, special rescue, target hazards Can be assigned to special circumstances or geographical location
Explanation of Box Card Box Number Location Department Alarm Levels (Still, Box, 2 nd, 3 rd, 4 th, etc.) Responding Equipment Special Equipment Change of Quarters
Dispatching a Box Alarm Obtain the following from the stricken department: Requesting Department Type of Alarm and Box Number Requested Level of alarm requested Nature of the incident Location of the incident, address and name of the building Staging location
Dispatching a Box Alarm Locate the box card and start MABAS alarm log. Switch to IFERN Activate the MABAS tones twice in succession
Dispatching a Box Alarm After all tones have cleared announce: “This is MABAS Division (number) to all locals, (Stricken department) is requesting Box (number) at (location) to the (alarm level); staging will be at (location; all departments due to respond switch to and acknowledge on the IFERN frequency. The following departments are due to respond…..”
Dispatching a Box Alarm Non Acknowledgement of due apparatus Departments who “take a pass” Wrong equipment Radio Channel for local apparatus Non due equipment
Dispatching a Box Alarm Additional Alarm Levels Alarm timer Additional fires or other emergencies Private Vehicles Change of Quarters
Striking a Box Alarm Obtain the following: Name of the Chief or Officer in charge of the box alarm Location of the box alarm
Striking a Box Alarm Activate the MABAS tone twice in succession on IFERN Announce: This is MABAS Division (number) to all locals: (Department name) has struck out (Box Alarm number) by authority of (name of officer in charge). Repeat message
Questions? Now it’s time for…..
Going from a Fire to a Box Alarm
Not every alarm comes via radio…not every upgrade is made from the street…
Passwords - Weds User name: mabas2011User name: mabas2011 Customer Service – mabas21Customer Service – mabas21 The Statewide Plan – 3redballsThe Statewide Plan – 3redballs
Passwords - Thurs The Science of Earthquakes – newmadridThe Science of Earthquakes – newmadrid EM-Net Training – communicateEM-Net Training – communicate Automated Box Cards – mabas36Automated Box Cards – mabas36 Public Safety Loves Accronyms – imatPublic Safety Loves Accronyms – imat LODD and Critical Stress – hotlineLODD and Critical Stress – hotline We Are Not Chicago Part2 – notcfdWe Are Not Chicago Part2 – notcfd Lessons Learned – mabaslessonsLessons Learned – mabaslessons
Passwords - Friday IL-TERT Update – ducommIL-TERT Update – ducomm MABAS Basic Training – boxalarmMABAS Basic Training – boxalarm Success in the MABAS Dispatch – mabas20Success in the MABAS Dispatch – mabas20 Fitness in Dispatch – redcenterFitness in Dispatch – redcenter Fun in the Dispatch Center – johnfunFun in the Dispatch Center – johnfun Teamwork in the Workplace - allforoneTeamwork in the Workplace - allforone