Development of Research Methodologies in Various Disciplines By Dr Ranu Varshney & Mrs. Nisha Chaturbedi
Development of Research Methodologies in Various Disciplines What is Research: Research is systematic, controlled, empirical and critical investigations of natural phenomena guided by theory and hypothesis about the presumed relations among such phenomena.
Development of Research Methodologies in Various Disciplines What are Research Methods: Refers to the methods or techniques researcher uses in performing research operations. The specific techniques, tools and procedures applied to achieve a given objective.
Development of Research Methodologies in Various Disciplines What is Research Methodology: It may be understood as a science of studying how research is done scientifically. In it we study the various methods and steps that are generally adopted by researcher in studying his research problem along with the logic behind them.
Development of Research Methodologies in Various Disciplines Method refers to a technique for gathering information, such as an interview, questionnaire, or documentary analysis. Methodology is the worldview-influenced lens through which the research is understood, designed, and conducted. Our methodology includes our method, but the method is a component of our methodology and not even the most important.
Development of Research Methodologies in Various Disciplines Type of Research: There are different kinds of research methodologies but here we will consider only those that have immediate relevance to education and allied disciplines.
Various Research Methods and Methodologies 1. Historical 2. Comparative 3. Correlation 4. Descriptive 5. Experimental 6. Action 7. Evaluation 8. Ethnography The systematic and objective location, evaluation and synthesis of evidence in order to establish facts and draw conclusions about past events It involves Where the events take Which people are involves When the events occurred
Various Research Methods and Methodologies 1. Historical 2. Comparative 3. Correlation 4. Descriptive 5. Experiment 6. Action 7. Evaluation 8. Ethnography Often used together with historical research to compare people’s experience of different societies, either between times in the past or situation in the present.
Various Research Methods and Methodologies 1. Historical 2. Comparative 3. Correlation 4. Descriptive 5. Experimental 6. Action 7. Evaluation 8. Ethnography Two type research of studies Relational studies : an exploratory form of study which investigates the possible relationships between phenomena to establish if a correlation exists and if so to what extent Prediction studies: carried out in research areas where correlations are already known-attempts to predict possible behavior or events
Various Research Methods and Methodologies 1. Historical 2. Comparative 3. Correlation 4. Descriptive 5. Experimental 6. Action 7. Evaluation 8. Ethnography Instead of examination record or artifacts, descriptive research relies on observation as a means of collecting data. Attempts to examine situations in order to establish what is the normal-what can be predicted to happen again under the same circumstances.
Various Research Methods and Methodologies 1. Historical 2. Comparative 3. Correlation 4. Descriptive 5. Experimental 6. Action 7. Evaluation 8. Ethnography Research try to isolate and control every relevant condition which determines the events investigated, so as to observe the effects when the conditions are manipulated Pre-experimental design True experimental design Quasi- experimental design
1. Historical 2. Comparative 3. Correlation 4. Descriptive 5. Experimental 6. Action 7. Evaluation 8. Ethnography As a practical form of research, aimed at a specific problem and situation and with little or no control over independent variables, it can not fulfill the scientific requirement for generalization
Various Research Methods and Methodologies 1. Historical 2. Comparative 3. Correlation 4. Descriptive 5. Experimental 6. Action 7. Evaluation 8. Ethnography Descriptive type research designed to deal with complex social issues Evaluation of these constructions is highly dependent on the involvement and viewpoint of the evaluator / researcher
1. Historical 2. Comparative 3. Correlation 4. Descriptive 5. Experimental 6. Action 7. Evaluation 8. Ethnography Disciplinary root : Anthropology Central Question :What is the culture of this group of people ?
Various Research Methods and Methodologies 9.Ethno methodology 10.Phenomenology 11.Symbolic Interaction 12.Heuristic Inquiry 13.Naturalistic Inquiry 14.Grounded Theory 15.Case Study Disciplinary roots : Sociology How do people make sense of their everyday activities so as to behave in socially acceptable way ?
Various Research Methods and Methodologies 9.Ethno methodology 10.Phenomenology 11.Symbolic Interaction 12.Heuristic Inquiry 13.Naturalistic Inquiry 14.Grounded Theory 15.Case Study Disciplinary root : Philosophy What is the meaning, structure and essence of the lived experience of this phenomenon for this person or group of people?
Various Research Methods and Methodologies 9.Ethno methodology 10.Phenomenology 11.Symbolic Interaction 12.Heuristic Inquiry 13.Naturalistic Inquiry 14.Grounded Theory 15.Case Study Disciplinary root : Social Psychology What common set of symbols and understanding has emerged to give meaning to people’s interactions?
Various Research Methods and Methodologies 9.Ethno methodology 10.Phenomenology 11.Symbolic Interaction 12.Heuristic Inquiry 13.Naturalistic Inquiry 14.Grounded Theory 15.Case Study Disciplinary root : Humanistic Psychology What is my experience of this phenomenon and the essential experience of others who also experience this phenomenon intensely?
Various Research Methods and Methodologies 9.Ethno methodology 10.Phenomenology 11.Symbolic Interaction 12.Heuristic Inquiry 13.Naturalistic Inquiry 14.Grounded Theory 15.Case Study Naturalistic inquiry focuses research endeavours on how people behave in natural settings while engaging in life experiences. This type of inquiry stems from the naturalistic paradigm that situates itself opposite the positivist paradigm. The naturalistic paradigm, or naturalism, makes specific claims about epistemology, ontology, and axiology that influence naturalistic inquiry.
Various Research Methods and Methodologies 9.Ethno methodology 10.Phenomenology 11.Symbolic Interaction 12.Heuristic Inquiry 13.Naturalistic Inquiry 14.Grounded Theory 15.Case Study Disciplinary root : Social Sciences, Methodology What theory emerges from systematic comparative analysis and is grounded in fieldwork so as to explain what has been and is observed?
Various Research Methods and Methodologies 9.Ethno methodology 10.Phenomenology 11.Symbolic Interaction 12.Heuristic Inquiry 13.Naturalistic Inquiry 14.Grounded Theory 15.Case Study Case study research method as an empirical inquiry that investigates a contemporary phenomenon within its real-life context; when the boundaries between phenomenon and context are not clearly evident; and in which multiple sources of evidence are used
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