gallery Vazrazdane i nvites you to visit p ainting exhibition “ Easter musicians ІІ ” of A ngel Gerdjikov from 03 A pril to 23 April
90/80 sм.
It is the third year in a row around Easter in which this author presents his ‘Easter musicians’. These are not the usual musicians with their feet tight on the ground. The musicians of Angel Gerdzhikov are playing, singing and dancing somewhere in between the Earth and Heaven, as though having invisible angel wings. Their music is a music of the celebration, a hymn of nature and God. In the ecstasy of the wonderful sounds there is no ‘up and down’, ‘left and right’, ‘ground and sky’. The houses, together with the animals and people are flying intoxicated by the great magic of music! Krassi Aleksieva, /55 sм.
90/80 sм.
46/55 sм.
90/80 sм.
70/25 sм.
50/20 sм.
We expect you gallery Vazrazdane We expect you in the exhibition hall of gallery Vazrazdane or on our web address Bulgaria, Plovdiv Old town, 1 Stoyan Chalakov str /