NSP ProAlarm Configuration Date issued September 2007 Document reference & release version TR-IAS Ed 1.5 These presentation materials describe Tekelec's present plans to develop and make available to its customers certain products, features and functionality. Tekelec is only obligated to provide those deliverables specifically included in a written agreement signed by Tekelec and customer. Training documentation Notes 1
ProAlarm Config NSP Training Manual This Training Manual is in accordance with ProAlarm NSP Issued September Copyright © 2007 TEKELEC France. All rights reserved In accordance with its policy of constant product improvement, TEKELEC France reserves the right to change the information in this manual without notice. No part of this manual may be photocopied or reproduced in any form without the prior written permission of TEKELEC France. Software license notice Your license agreement with TEKELEC France specifies the permitted and prohibited uses of the product. Any unauthorized duplication or use of ProAlarm NSP, in whole or in part, in print or in any other storage and retrieval system, is prohibited. Trademarks All product names mentioned are trademarks of their respective owners. In USIn France 5200 Paramount ParkwayParc de la Mer Rouge Morrisville, NC E rue Salomon Grumbach (USA)68059 Mulhouse Cedex (France) Tel: Tel: Training documentation ‘06 | 2 Notes 2
Class outline This class is intended to provide you with an full introduction to ProAlarm Configuration Tool as well as an understanding of its basic concepts and operations Class Outline includes the following sections: - Operating ProAlarm Config Lesson Objectives How to start ProAlarm Config Handle objects How to design a Map How to create Aggregates Importing resources Customizing objects Objects management Sharing Maps Lesson Review Hands-on Practice Training documentation ‘06 | 3 Notes 3
ProAlarm Configuration Operating Training documentation ‘06 | 4 Notes 4
Lesson Objectives After this class, you will be able to: Know what are the managed objects Handle the objects (System, ProTraq and Network) Design a map Use various features Manage alarm level representation Set operational parameters Create customized representation Import Ressources Training documentation ‘06 | 5 Notes 5
How to start ProAlarm Config Access to the NSP through your Web browser with your login and password and then : Click on ProAlarm Configuration icon in the Configuration box OR Select ProAlarm in the Configuration menu Training documentation ‘06 | 6 Notes 6
Handle objects Training documentation ‘06 | 7 Notes 7
Objects browser Objects are accessible from the folders The Managed Objects folder Contains all the objects discovered during the NSP configuration step The Network Topology folder contains 2 subfolders Linksets SP (Signalling Points) Training documentation ‘06 | 8 Notes 8
Objects browser Objects are accessible from the folders Aggregates Training documentation ‘06 | 9 Notes 9
How to Design a map Training documentation ‘06 | 10 Notes 10
How to create a map Several steps Add a new map Insert Objects System objects ProTraq objects Network objects Display linksets for SS7 network maps Training documentation ‘06 | 11 Notes 11
How to create a map Add a new Map Right-click on Maps folder Use Add function The created map is added in the folder with a generic name Possibility to rename the map Training documentation ‘06 | 12 Notes 12
How to create a map Select a Base Map (optional) From the new map Right-click on the map and choose Associate Wallpaper function This Resource list displays the content of Basemap folder so you can associate a picture previously imported Training documentation ‘06 | 13 Notes Is Loaded Yes means this map is automatically loaded when you open ProAlarm Viewer No means this map is not automatically loaded when you open ProAlarm Viewer 13
How to create a map Add objects (not Network objects) on a map from the object browser Select an object from the folder Managed Objects Right-clic on the object Use copy Select the Map and paste it on Training documentation ‘06 | 14 Notes ICP folder Contains all the ICP Objects discovered on this system. When we drag and drop an ICP object on a map we are able to supervise alarms on this ICP, for example disk failure. 14
How to create a map Add ProTraq objects on a map Choose the cell(s) of the Protraq configuration One graphic object for each cell Right-Click on the cell(s) and choose Copy On the Network Map right-Click and choose Paste Training documentation ‘06 | 15 Notes 15
How to create a map Drag and drop network objects from the folder Network Topology Signalling Point Display Linksets on the map Automatically drawn Right-click on the map name in the object browser Use Display LinkSets function Training documentation ‘06 | 16 Notes 16
How to Create Aggregates Training documentation ‘06 | 17 Notes 17
How to create Aggregates 2 types of Aggregates Map Aggregates : One object is an aggregate of all the object of a map ProTraq Aggregates : One object is an aggregate of several cells of a ProTraq Configuration Map Aggregate ProTraq Aggregate Training documentation ‘06 | 18 Notes Function of an aggregate object When an alarm occurs on an object which is in an aggregate object, the aggregate object take the color of the severity of the alarm. When several object are in alarm the related aggregate object take the color of the highest severity of the included object 18
How to create a Map Aggregate Add a map aggregate on a map Copy and Paste a map object on another map Automatically this map is added in the Aggregates folder Training documentation ‘06 | 19 Notes 19
How to create a ProTraq Aggregate Add a new aggregate in the folder Aggregates of the Object Browser Right-click on the folder Aggregates and use the Add function A new aggregate with a generic name is created Training documentation ‘06 | 20 Notes 20
How to create a ProTraq Aggregate In the Object Browser choose a ProTraq configuration In this configuration choose the cells you want to aggregate with the CTRL key Right-click and choose the function copy Training documentation ‘06 | 21 Notes 21
How to create a ProTraq Aggregate Go back to the new aggregate you have previously created Right-click and choose the function Paste Right-click on the new aggregate and choose copy then right-click and paste the aggregate object on a map Training documentation ‘06 | 22 Notes Paste the copied cells in the new aggregate The new aggregate will contain all the cells selected and copied from the ProTraq configuration. By this way all the alarms can occur in one of those cells are supervised and centralized in this new aggregate object. The last thing to do is to move this new aggregate object on a map. Put this new aggregate object on a map The new aggregate object has to be copy and paste on a map. In the Objects Browser the Maps folder contain all the maps can be used in the Map Area. Each map contain a subfolder Aggregates contain all the aggregate objects exist on this map. So in our example automatically the new aggregate is displayed in this subfolder Aggregates of this map. In each Map folder another subfolder is present and called Managed Objects. This subfolders contains all the objects exist on this map. 22
Advanced features Training documentation ‘06 | 23 Notes 23
Importing Resources Training documentation ‘06 | 24 Notes 24
Which type of files can be imported ? Resources which can be imported are Pictures to be used as wallpaper for the maps (a country, a continent, the logo of the company, etc.) Pictures files must have gif, jpeg, ivl or png extension Icons files to represent objects must have icon extension Sounds files to alert when an alarm occurs must have mid, wav or au extension Training documentation ‘06 | 25 Notes 25
How to import a picture Add a new Basemap (wallpaper) Right-click on Resources Basemap folder Use the function Add to upload a file from the displayed list The selected picture file is added in the Base maps folder and can be handled Training documentation ‘06 | 26 Notes 26
How to import an icon Add a new icon Right-click on Resources Icons folder Use Add function to upload a file The selected icon file is added in the Icons folder and can be handled Training documentation ‘06 | 27 Notes 27
How to import a sound Add a new sound Right-click on Resources Sounds folder Use Add function to upload a file The selected sound file is added in the Sounds folder and can be handled Training documentation ‘06 | 28 Notes 28
How to rename Resources Using the object browser Rename the imported picture, icon or sound by right-clicking on the file These resources may be used further on maps Training documentation ‘06 | 29 Notes 29
Customizing Objects Training documentation ‘06 | 30 Notes 30
How to customize an object Allows the user to display an object with a specific representation Select an object Right-click to open context-related menu Use Representation function A pop-up window is opened to set parameters Training documentation ‘06 | 31 Notes 31
How to customize an object With these customizations you can change the design of your object Legend to select a type of representation (icon for the object) Settings to change the font, the color, the position, etc. of the label of the object Customize the label of your object Choose an icon for your object Training documentation ‘06 | 32 Notes Set a new icon or change the label To change the icon of the object or to modify the label you just have to double click on the selected item of the list 32
How to customize a set of object Change default representation of a set of objects From the objects browser Update the default settings representation All objects of the selected folder represented with their default representation will be automatically updated on all maps according to the modification Training documentation ‘06 | 33 Notes 33
Objects management Training documentation ‘06 | 34 Notes 34
Map tool bar Zoom on a rectangle Fit to Center Pan contents on map Select Zoom in Reset zoom Select allSave Zoom back Zoom out Map tabs Training documentation ‘06 | 35 Notes 35
Work in the Map Area Handle objects on a map Select objects The select button of the map tool bar must be on Move objects Manually by selecting objects Automatically by selecting several objects and using Align function Remove objects Select one or several objects Right-click and use Delete function Training documentation ‘06 | 36 Notes 36
Work in the Map Area Handle objects on a map Center object Select one object and use Centre on map function to display this object in the center of the Map Area Design objects Automatically by selecting several objects and using Node layouts function to display the objects as a predefined form Training documentation ‘06 | 37 Notes 37
Unmapped objects Unmapped objects in the object browser To display a list of objects that are not present on any map Training documentation ‘06 | 38 Notes 38
Alarms Levels Set various colors for alarms levels representation Select a severity in Alarm levels folder Click on the configure button In the new windows click on the color button, choose a color and apply Training documentation ‘06 | 39 Notes 39
Alarms Levels Specify sounds to play according to alarms levels (optional) Select a severity in Alarm levels folder Click on the configure button Configure the Sound Enabled list then Select the Resource from the Sound list and Apply Training documentation ‘06 | 40 Notes 40
Sharing Maps Training documentation ‘06 | 41 Notes 41
Share maps with ProAlarm Viewer Maps sharing is available through ProAlarm Viewer only. Only the owner of a map can decide to share it to a group of users Click on ProAlarm Viewer icon in the Application box OR Select ProAlarm in the Application menu Training documentation ‘06 | 42 Notes 42
ProAlarm Viewer Main menu The main menu displays all the maps the current user can view The maps which belong to the current user can be shared Click Roles button to open the Change Privacy pop-up window Roles button Training documentation ‘06 | 43 Notes 43
Change privacy This window allows you to share the selected map to the declared NSP roles. Use the check boxes : R to make this Map visible in the list X to allow this Map to be shown W to allow the modification of this Map’s configuration Training documentation ‘06 | 44 Notes 44
Lesson review Q. How do you put objects on a Map ? Q. Where do you find ProTraq objects ? Q. Which kind of aggregates can you create ? Q. How do you add SP on a map ? ICPs ? Linksets ? Q. How do you display objects which are not on a Map? Training documentation ‘06 | 45 Notes 45
Hands-on practice Exercise 1 : Create a new map and call it ICP-MAP Exercise 2 : Put all the ICPs supervised by your NSP Platform on this map Exercise 3 : Change the default representation of all SP Exercise 4 : Create a network representation on a new map called Network Exercise 5 : Create a ProTraq Aggregate with all the cells of one column of one of a ProTraq Configuration. Add this aggregate on a new map called ProTraq Exercise 6 : Create a new map called General and put on it an aggregate of the map ICP-MAP, Network and ProTraq Training documentation ‘06 | 46 Notes 46